Familiar spirits cast upon me by spirit children; backfire, in Jesus name. You serpent, loose your grip upon my spiritual strength, in the name of Jesus. My Father, burn up by fire every spirit of a serpent sent to attack me in Jesus name. It is not possible to notice it with your naked eyes but by the help of your prophets. You stubborn marine spirit spouse, be separated from me by the power in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Water goddess hindering my marital star, I cry against you, let me go today, in Jesus name. O God arise and let my stubborn pursuers scatter in the name of Jesus. You, serpent attacking my progress, I crush your head with the power of the Holy Ghost!!! 50. PRAYER POINTS. water of the ministry of the serpent that I drank while in the world has now become the source of sickness in my body, as I am praying now I command you to dry up, in the name of Jesus. I am born again in Jesus Christ name. Spirit husband ruling over my marital breakthrough your end has come today, die by thunder. 29. Every serpent biting my destiny, die in the Name of Jesus 8. My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I Declare And Decree That This Is Not The Season Of The Serpent, But Its The Season Of The Anointed Serpents Crushers!!! The spirit of python can cleverly swallow your lifetime glory. Thou serpent of the Lord, swallow the serpent of my Pharaoh, in the name of Jesus. Invincible adversaries interfering with my destiny, I bury you now in the name of Jesus! As I am jumping up, let the eggs, seeds and properties of snakes in my body, jump out by fire, in Jesus name. What are the consequences of copyright infringement? very strongman giving cobra food in my place of birth because of me, die with their cobra, in the name of Jesus. By the grace of God, Evangelist Joshua has been interpreting dreams since he was 12 years old and till now. You the spirit of grave and death, be scattered, in the name of Jesus. Oh Lord, arrest and destroy every evil python from the Marine world fighting my breakthrough in Jesus name. Serpent of death in my body, die in the name of Jesus! SHARING CLOTHS WITH MARINE AGENTS: Believers must be careful who they borrow things from. In the name of Jesus. Every problem that has come into my life through contact with any marine agent, receive divine solution by the blood of Jesus. I bind and rebuke every flying serpent that would attack my life in the name of Jesus (Isaiah 27:1). verything that I have lost to the ministry of the serpent, my health, opportunities, career, honour, glory, wealth, fruitfulness, success, divine upliftment, marriage etc. every serpentine spirit assigned unto me and bites whosoever that offends me, you are not my defender, be electrocuted and die, in the name of Jesus. Every serpent in my dreams, go back to your sender, in Jesus name. SIGNS OF A PERSON UNDER A PYTHON SPIRIT AND MARINE SPIRIT, INSTRUCTION: Embark on 7 days fasting and prayers between 6am to 6pm with 7 midnight 12am to 2am. You, dragon spirit that has swallowed my blessings, vomit them all out now, in Jesus name. Some snakes can swallow a big animal even human being. Every dream animal assigned against my destiny, DIE in the name of Jesus. Ensure you are living a holy life and that you do not have their materials in your possession. You, dragon spirit spitting strange fire against my destiny, be Utterly Consumed by the Wrath of God, in Jesus name!!! Whosoever has used money to import different snakes to be attacking, tormenting and harassing me sexually, die by fire, in the name of Jesus. Some people who seek for solution in a wrong way have swallowed serpent unknowingly. 14. Contact Evangelist Joshua on Telegram group through +2348099828623. I come against every spirit of serpents in my life, in the name of Jesus. 9. Fire of deliverance rescue me from the water, in Jesus name. Q & A: Is anything wrong with Astrology and Stargazing? very evil collaboration between my forefathers and the ministry of the serpent that is making it appear in my dreams or physically break and die, in the name of Jesus. Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments. Serpent powers of my fathers house, die! In. I cast all serpents of infirmity into the fire of judgment, in the name of Jesus. Python is the source of many financial failures and deaths of many people today through curses, spells, voodoo, incantations, etc. 36. Let the serpent of the Lord swallow the serpent of my Pharaoh, in the name of Jesus. I UNLEASH Divine Rebellion and Vengeance against every Chedorlaomer bondage and enslavement holding my, #MidnightPrayers Day 2 Abrahamic Momentum 1. A sign of having stubborn and vicious spirit husband/wife. They program and project evil things into people including animals, moving objects, heat, and sicknesses into people. Be bind And cast out the Python Spirit And Its Cohorts Pray. Father, I thank you for your light upon my life, in the name of Jesus. 17. Power to kill serpents and scorpions, come upon my life now! 41. In the name of Jesus. Lord Jesus Forgive Me For The Sin I Committed That Opened The Doors To Satan, This Python Spirit and Its Cohorts, break All Soul Ties With The Person I May Have Picked This Up From. There is a spirit that has taken control in many lives. All you serpents, vomit my prosperity, health, marriage, finances and spiritual strength that you have swallowed, in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last [state] of that man is worse than the first. I bind and rebuke any serpent that would try to deceive me (, I release the rod of God to swallow up every serpent that would come against me in the name of Jesus (. All Giving's Are Directly Sent To The Ministry Account. Any wicked power monitoring me in order to destroy my destiny, you are a liar, die in the Name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Any python in my life that is bearing children catch fire and die, in Jesus name. Oh Lord, today I claim my blessings and breakthroughs from every serpentine spirit holding it in Jesus name. 2. 19. Join our Telegram Channel here to get prayer updates, prayer points, prophetic christian quotes and new video notifications: https://t.me/joinchat/SEpV4w0GcK. I separate myself from every ancestral covenant with water spirits by the power in the blood of Jesus. 70 Prayer Points To Terminate The Ministry Of The Serpent. Let all your children attached to me fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. Amen. The ministry of the serpent is one of the fearsome ministry of darkness setup by the devil for the affliction of the children of God. 7. Kindly drop your comments below if you found these mfm prayer points against serpents and scorpions helpful. 64. Holy Ghost fire, kill every serpent and scorpion targeted at my Israel, in the name of Jesus. Oh Lord, expose and disgrace every serpent disguised as human being and fighting me in Jesus name. The stubborn spirit are contagious. Agenda of whoever that is worshiping copper head snake in my environment, I command the snake to turn back and kill you, in the name of Jesus. The spirit of the serpent is very cunning and deceptive. Some have shrines and altars of serpents. Every serpentine spirit and poison, depart from my tongue, in the name of Jesus. There are different kinds of snakes, some are small and some are big. Every operation of the python demons in my life, scatter by fire, in Jesus name, Any evil priest connecting me with water gods from the marine kingdom, catch fire, in Jesus name. 11. O God arise! Come Out In Jesus Name, Every Single One Of You.Get Out!! Father, let every shrine for serpents in my village and family be scattered by the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus. Powers that say men in my fathers house will not succeed, today, die, in Jesus name. Punish the piercing serpent in the name of Jesus. 11. Father, I give you thanks for all that you have done and for destroying the ministry of the serpents and restoring the glory of your children, in the name of Jesus. I fire Back, every arrow of the serpents, In the name of Jesus. I withdraw all my information from the possession of the water kingdom, in Jesus name. Any man or woman turning into a serpent to frustrate God's will, plan and purpose for my life, you will die now by fire! 24. The python belongs to the class of serpent to fights the seeds of the woman and bruises them in various ways to manifests as poverty, bareness, failures, disease. When all your siblings are all married, but only you is left behind. Evangelist Joshua Orekhie is a servant of God gifted in spiritual gifts of prayers and dream interpretations. I cast out every viper that would operate in my life in the name of Jesus. Whenever am having strange headache I use this prayer points so the ache comes back after some days and I continue with the prayer points.i pray the strange pains and headache goes finally in Jesus name amen. When you cannot explain what went wrong with your life. Marriage, Job and fulfilment. 3. 40 IMPORTANT BIBLE VERSES YOU NEED FOR 2019. This website has been a blessing to me . Powerful Midnight Prayers - Dr D.k Olukoya. You the bullet from heaven, kill every serpent of death, in the name of Jesus. I cast every bondage off my shoulder, in the name of Jesus Every evil collaboration between my forefathers and the serpent, that is making it to appear in my dreams or physically, break and die, in the name of Jesus. Despite the power of Pharaoh, Gods power on Moses and Aaron swallowed the serpent of the Egyptians. let every copperhead snake that comes to make love to me in the form of a human being in my dreams be electrocuted by fire and by the force of heaven, I pull out every cobra and viper snake around my waist, in the name of Jesus. Every serpent hissing lies and accusations into my ears, be Utterly Silenced by the Thunder of God, in Jesus name. every generational serpent that has taken dominion over my life be electrocuted and die, in the name of Jesus. (For Deliverance), Dream of my Husband a Cloud with spots hit him and went into him and he felt disgusted by it, 11 things that the Bible tells us to do when we go through persecutions, Prayer Points: Rebuilding The Walls Day15, Atomic Power of Prayer Part 1- 10 (Full Version) Transcribed, Why Christians Should Not Mark Their Body (Tattoos). God, I render powerless the attack of any serpent on my life and family in Jesus . You serpent and scorpion of darkness, delegated against my victory, die, in the name of Jesus. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. hurricane elizabeth 2015; cheap houses for sale in madison county; stifel wealth tracker login; zadna naprava peugeot 206; 3 days a week half marathon training plan; They allow their victims to stay long in their captives until when the person is old and has nothing to offer again before they start releasing them. Some carve images of serpents, some have jewelries that carry the images of serpents. 4 Likes. 35. Dream serpents DIE, in the name of Jesus. 10. However, when Moses and his brother Aaron got to Egypt the Lord told them what to do. I tread upon all serpents and scorpions, they cannot harm me, in the name of Jesus. 53. ou cobra in my foundation that is swallowing the egg of my babies to die by fire, in the name of Jesus. They use demotion and bewitchment as arrows to hunt the star of people. The God that answereth by fire, let Him be my God. . The spirit of marine has given some people various gifts spiritually that keep them busy with them. I dissociate myself from the use of marine materials by fire, in Jesus name. 12. Oh Lord, scatter and disorganized every satanic work strategized around my life and destiny in Jesus name. Please call: +2348099828623. 21 PRAYER POINTS TO BREAK MARINE AND WATER SPIRITS BONDAGE. 1. 42. While praying this prayers against serpentine powers, you cannot afford to pray like a gentleman or lady; you have to be violent in your spirit and aggressive in your prayer pattern. I Break myself loose from the serpentine power of my fathers / mothers house, in the name of Jesus. MARINE GIFTS: These come in the form of jewelry, clothes with wet look, etc. Most children of God are in the bondage and captivity of the ministry of the serpent because they do not or have refused to follow the path of freedom. There are different kinds of families that believe in different kind of gods. I am a believer, and I pick up serpents (Mark 16:18). Inherited serpent, DIE! The spirit behind the python is being obtained from the water spirit to cause many setbacks and breakdown in marriages and finances. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I accept Your plan to reconcile mankind to You through Jesus Christ, who You sent in Your name. As you take each prayer try as much as possible to be observant in the spirit realm. They use different categories of nightmares to scatter and hinder a persons expectation. DECREE & DECLARE the Word of God. Father, Let the blood of Jesus mix with Holy Ghost fire and enter into my foundation, in the name of Jesus. Whosoever that transforms into serpent whenever he/she wants to attack my life or when good things are coming my way, you will not resurrect again, die, in the name of Jesus. Every evil materials transferred into my body through contact with marine witchcraft agents, catch fire and be burnt to ashes, in the name of Jesus. Prayers of Restoration (Culled from the book - Prayer Rain) Message . When you are always living a lonely life. Lord, Please Go Into My Memory Bank Of My Brain And Erase Any Damage There, Any Confusion In The Chambers Of My Mind, So I Will Never Again Be Bothered By These Spirits Of The Python! Spiritual Meaning of Hearing Knocking Many Times, Spiritual Meaning of Hitting Your Toe/Foot Against A Stone, About Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries, Prayers To Destroy Evil Altars & Sacrifice, When Spiritual Attacks Are Too Much On Me, Deliverance Prayer Against Python Spirits And Marine Spirits. 23 Attributes of Marine Spirit Spouse - A Must Read! let the altar of the ministry of snakes in the house of whosoever is attacking me catch fire and burn down, in the name of Jesus. And the seeds of the woman are Children of God. Begin to bless the name of the Lord for answered prayers. forgive me for any sin that opened the door of my life to the devil, in the name of Jesus. Before speaking on this topic, Dr Olukoya quoted the following Bible passages to give biblical insight into the topic. God has already made a way of escape for His children from the clutches of the serpent ministry, but the ignorance of men is their greatest undoing. Having a felling of being watched or monitored. If you are one of those who believe that you do not have to pray against the spirit of serpent, because God had defeated satan on the cross and thus fought your battles, you are merely displaying your ignorance or using that as an excuse for your laziness to pray. I pull out and kill the serpent living inside of me and swallowing the eggs of my conception and causing miscarriage by fire, in the name of Jesus. Some dedicate their children to serpents and the serpent becomes their guardian in life. Oh Lord, give me and my household your immunity against any attack from a scorpion and Serpent in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus. Some Countries not only in Africa worship the serpent. 3. All my benefits in the marine be exhumed by fire, in the name of Jesus. I Loose The Holy Spirit Now Upon Me To The Max To Purify And Cleanse My Body, Soul, Mind And Spirit, Conscience And Sub-Conscience! 18. Let the strong room of the serpent in my life be destroyed by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus. Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website. O Lord have mercy on me and reverse every satanic decision over my life, in the name of Jesus. I plead the blood of Jesus over my spirit, soul and body, in Jesus name. When promise and fail are too much in your life. In like 10:19. Every spirit-serpent, delegated against me, run into the desert and be buried in the hot sand, in the name of Jesus. 250 PRAYER POINTS AGAINST INHERITED FAMILY BATTLES. Father, every ancient serpent of the devil moving around me to deceive and destroy my destiny, I release the sword of God upon you right now, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. INITIATION BY FRIENDS: If you have friends who are possessed with water spirit, they will initiate you easily through food, clothes, etc. Certificates of spirit wife/husband in my domain; catch fire, in Jesus name. You stubborn problems, I trample upon your serpents and scorpions, in the name of Jesus. Every secret covenant with any serpent power, BREAK! PRAYERS AGAINST SERPENTINE POWERS AS WRITTEN BELOW Let me, #MidnightPrayers Day 4 Abrahamic Momentum 1. Unrepentant ancient python spirit in my foundation, catch fire unto death, in Jesus name. Let the blood of Jesus mix with Holy Ghost fire and enter into my foundation, in the name of Jesus. Snakes living in my body, as I am pressing my tummy now I labour you out by fire, in the name of Jesus. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. It will command the . Food of marine spirit in my body be flushed out by the blood of Jesus. Dr Olukoya, General Overseer, MFM Tiger snake assigned to kill me because of the position am occupying, I break your head with the sword of God, in the name of Jesus. Cause poverty as they confiscate your money and bank it under the waters. kings and queens will be your children, presidents and prime ministers, and you will teach professors". ngels of war pursue with your swords and kill every anaconda snake that is pursuing me day and night, in Jesus name. THINGS THAT BELONG TO YOU WAS THROWN INTO THE RIVER. I command you demons from the marine world, hear the word of the Lord, out by fire, in the name of Jesus. 32. 4. Every serpent-spirit, unwind and depart from my life, in Jesus name. Every feature of the serpent is what this ministry uses, from the deceptive, subtle and poisonous nature of the serpent. When something often falls down off your hands. 11. I cancelled all decision and judgment of marine witchcraft over my life and family, in Jesus name. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. My Father, by your fire, arise and burn up every serpent swallowing my blessings in Jesus name. This authority is backed by the power of God and knowing fully well that the battle with the ministry of the serpent is not ours but that of God. Colubridae, Ezhis, Bitis arieteins, Rattle snake, Crotalus scutulatus, Common krait, Tiger Snake, Coral reef snakes, King cobra, Vipers ,Taipan , Adder, Bothrops, Philippine cobra, Bundarus Caeruleus, Boom slang Acanthophis, Elapidae , Fer-de-lance, Lachesis, Enhydrina Schistosa, Hydrophis belcheri, Copper head, Python, Anaconda. 44 Strong Thoughts On Leadership Influence. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at everydayprayerguide@gmail.com or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. 1. Oh Lord, uproot from the foundation every covenant I have with the spirit of a serpent and scorpion in Jesus name. Its poison is very dangerous and can kill. Everything that I have lost to serpentine spirit, my health, opportunities, career, honor, glory, wealth fruitfulness, success, divine upliftment, marriage etc. Isaiah 27:1 "In that day, the lord will punish with his sword, his fierce, great and powerful sword, Leviathan the gliding serpent, Leviathan the coiling serpent; he will slay the monster of the sea." "I bind and rebuke every flying serpent that would attack my life in Jesus' name." Jesus Christ, by your power and authority, crush out every foundational serpent working against my marital favour, in the name of Jesus. 61. My Father, arise and protect me from the poison of every scorpion sent to attack me in Jesus name. In the name of JESUS! The fact that the man is polygamous is enough evidence that he has a problem of marine spirit. Kindly drop your comments below if you found these prayers against serpentine powers helpful. 31. Any name given to me by spirit husband or wife be changed by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. HOW TO BUILD A PERSONAL ALTAR UNTO THE LORD! "Father" is the covenant name God gave his choice minister, Apostle Henry A. Okwuosa, on April 17th, 1999, saying to him that "After the order of Abraham, you are going to be a father of many nations. 1 Comment Spirit of the serpent hiding in my house, be utterly flushed out by the Lightning of God today, in Jesus name. My Father, make me untouchable and unreachable for the spirit of a snake and scorpion in Jesus name. Serpentine or serpent spirits are terrible demons in the host of the devil himself. Serpent poison or venom in my body, come out now! Number 23 & 24 titled The Ministry of the Serpent & The Mystery of the BOOK of Remembrance. By force I pull out every cobra and viper around my waist, in the name of Jesus. Forgive Me If I Have Been Using This Python Spirit To Manipulate And Control Anyone Else. Slay the dragon that is in the sea (Psalm 27:1). My life, reject every serpent and scorpion, in the name of Jesus. Every strongman giving cobra food in my place of birth because of me die, with your cobra, in the name of Jesus. Python spirit is from the marine kingdom. The spirit of Python promotes divination, witchcraft, and rebellion. When you are always attracted to married men or wrong people. Father, by the anointing of the Holy Ghost, I come against every serpent from the ministry of the serpent following me about to monitor every of my moves and destiny, in the name of Jesus. If you must separate yourself from the marine spirit, you must be go on an intense fasting and prayers. Greetings in Jesus Name. 21. 18. Let the warring angels of God arise with their warring instruments and cut to pieces the python harassing my life and child bearing, in the name of Jesus. Serpentine or serpent spirits are terrible demons in the host of the devil himself. In the name of Jesus. It is titled 'Engaging In a Battle Against The Spirit of Error'. When a person is possessed by one python spirit is quite different from a person that is heavily possessed with multiple python spirits. Lord destroy with your power anything that makes me 10 times backward, in Jesus name. 10. Father, by the power from above, I pull down every statue of copper serpent erected by my ancestors and walk free from all their evil ways, in the name of Jesus. I remove the portion of the serpent from my own life, in Jesus name. Fountain of discomfort in my body, dry up now, in the name of . Dr Olukoya of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries commonly called MFM, is a man who loves prayers. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. In other words, you conquer them, obtain victory and stand to see their end and enjoy your life the way God ordained it to be. If you carefully read and study Revelation 12:12, you will discover that the serpent is destined to fight the seeds of the woman, and the Bible says: Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! Father, arise in your wrath and let my stubborn pursuers of the ministry of serpents to scatter, in the name of Jesus. I also need prayer concerning my sister ,that God should bless her with a job better than the one taken from her last year. When the serpent shows up they rejoice, it also becomes a taboo for them to kill them. God has already made a way of escape for His children. In the name of Jesus. Read more: Prayers to disgrace the enemies . Every crocodile and serpent spirit, I kill you with the hook of the Lord, in the name of Jesus. I recover all by fire, in the name of Jesus. Amen. Prayers that Rout Demons. I believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah, and died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins and redeem me. I release the rod of God to swallow up every serpent that would come against me in the name of Jesus ( Exodus 7:12 ). They pollute the temple of peoples destiny through sex and lustful desire. 63. You cobra in my foundation that is swallowing the egg of my babies, die by fire, in the name of Jesus. These are self deliverance prayers. But today, we are going to be waging spiritual warfare against these serpentine forces. It deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. A lot of people suffer in the hands of this serpent ministry, including men of God of high repute. Calendar of spirit spouse updating my life for sex to a spirit husband/wife; catch fire. Most children of God are in the bondage and captivity of the ministry of the serpent because they do not or have refused to follow the path of freedom. DIRECT ATTACK THROUGH MARINE POWERS RECRUITMENT EXERCISE: These powers have agents all over the place initiating people through materials like jewelry, clothing, attachments, etc. I scatter by fire any where snakes are harboured and worshiped in my family, in the name of Jesus. 49. These spirits oppress men and women. 25. There are different kinds of families that believe in different kind of gods. 56. They attack where the light of Gods word is absent in a persons life.
Mutate Sentence Python, Articles M