Arenvald: Speaking of which, how should we deploy ourselves? Fordolas Mother: By telling the world that youre no better than a common savage!? The guard there should have been instructed to let us pass. Lyse: Butcher the? You should have heard him scream, Diana! (Arenvald shows up with Alphinaud, Yshtola, and Thancred). Wiscar: Thanks, Diana. My advice to you is: Stop. Taxing Uldahs wealth to save Ala Mhigan refugees is a terrible, terrible idea. Nanamo Ul Namo: Yes, the Bull of Ala Mhigo need not be put out to pasture just yet. And that is but one of their crimes. Itll be something of a history lesson, but Ill try to be brief. That bitch has spilt enough blood to fill a loch! Lakshmi casts an Enthrall, but the Warrior of Light steps in and deflects it away. Alphinaud: Arenvald did not exaggerate, I assure you. Actually, leave that to me. (Note: Its not in the chat text, but he definitely says it!). But we will gain only fleeting satisfaction if we give in to our base appetiteswe will never know the truth! It looks like centuries of fear and mistrust really cant be washed away in a day. Twas that same rage which brought us to our feet, and carried us to victory. (Lyse vaults over a spear-wielding enthralled guard and bolts through the doors. But maybe the time isnt right. Gallery . And when the mob see that, theyll think twice before throwing their stones. You already have citizenship! I think I have an idea. Marcechamp: Your Grace, you mustnt! If I could prevail upon you one more time, Diana, I would ask that you convey the details of our negotiations to Commander Hext on your return to Ala Mhigo. All things considered, I would say events have got off to a fine start. I could not have done it without you. And now that she is free, I thought it only a matter of time before he sought my leave to return to her. ve. Lolorito: By all means. Ill try to stab it right between the eyes, then! After the Garlean invasion left the majority of overland routes destroyed, that trade came to focus upon catering to the needs of the occupation force. Lakshmi: Do not your mortal bodies tire? Theyve never done anything like that! (At the rear entrance to Ala Mhigo Palace). The guards were already turned! (The Warrior of Light breaks free and intercepts the Enthrall once again.). Hmmm, you would have me dredge up some decidedly unsavory memories. But I hated the animal Id become. Mnaago: My parents will be relieved to hear that. (Note: The word Aan is not defined. Click here to see quests originating in this location. And Im pretty sure youre going to like the answer. General Aldynns there overseeing the investigation. Then I propose we proceed from our respective entry points and look to meet somewhere in the middle. Lyse: That explains her request to be executed. Nanamo Ul Namo: Be at ease, Alphinaud. Imperial Pilus Prior: They would wage war with empty wordsLet them produce the viceroys remains, then! Theyre insisting they be allowed to attend the council. ], [The yabbys entire body is protected by a hard carapace, but the underside of the head looks soft and vulnerable.]. And wed be no better than Theodoric and Zenos! Lyse: You still have time, Fordola. Are any of us? I would use our nations wealth to spare them that suffering. My thought process was, "Let's see, Ala Gannha was the old mining town, they probably have lots of natural resources and there will be demand for construction now, Ala Ghiri was a fort and I don't think it'd be much use as a trading post, the Saltery. Ah! Damn it all Its only a matter of time before we miss one, (Lakshmi unleashes a huge barrage of aether spheres, far too many for Arenvald and the Warrior of Light to intercept, (But the moment before the spheres strike, Fordola bursts into the room, her eye flashing red. Ever has my sword been hers to command, and ever shall it remain. It is my belief that the darkness beneath the palace mentioned by Theodorics former scribe was not a reference to the prison, but to a place still further below: the ruins of Skalla. They say he started seeing assassins in every shadow, and wouldnt set foot outside the palace walls. (The mob is getting uglier, pelting Fordolas father with stones and debris as he tries to shield Fordola from the attack.). Raubahn fights on the sands. Nanamo Ul Namo: Look upon this procession of tattered tentsThese refugees camp in squalor, at the mercy of the elements and Thanalans predators both. But what of you, Diana? (Upon defeating monsters in here, most of them transform back to Hyur), (After defeating Hrodric Poisontongue, a hole cracks open in the ceiling and Alphinaud and Arenvald tumble through. Imperial Pilus Prior: Let the savages have their fun. From what we know of the period, the city was already deserted by the time the waters began to rise, having been all but destroyed by war. You need to kill her now! And, in turn, so too shall I keep mine. NPCs ( 35) There are 35 NPCs in this location. Lets find something else! Nanamo Ul Namo: It seems youre the one who needs looking after, Marcechamp! Im honoring Fathers memory. Guaranteed. Lyse: In any case, summoning Lakshmi was the broodmothers doing, and whoever replaces her might not be so keen on the idea. And you know what my only regret is? Wait for us by the aetheryte, and well be along shortly. Cant you see? Should they hear of you spending the nations coinnot to improve their lot, but to nurture the distant citizens of Ala Mhigoit is unlikely they will applaud your generosity. Alphinaud: Forgive me. You are one of the few people to whom I feel I can speak my mind. Yshtola: A primals servant is betrayed by his aura. And after a while, even watching his enemies die wasnt enough to coax him out of hiding. (As they walk down the street, a rough-looking Ala Mhigan man glares at them. Wrathful Resident: Calm down!? I pledged my sword. Ala Gannha Rebuild Lists Click here to see NPCs found at this location. Listening to their anger, I could feel myself being swept away. I do hope he was still there. Lyse: Thank you, Raganfrid. My friends are fighting her, but they need help. I beg of you! Arenvald: If he was afraid, that does lend credence to the talethough Im not sure how that helps us in our search. Lyse: Im only going to say this once. So it'll be a few years before they become a major exporter. Arenvald: But you dont just see their pastyou live it. I daresay you remember Yuyuhase and Laurentiusthe fugitives who conspired with Captain Ilberd in the Crystal Braves betrayal. The Ala Mhigan residential area is mostly closed off. Arenvald: But then it would all have been for nothing, wouldnt it? Whatever the truth, I would take no chances. I must learn how to treat with him if I am to rule Uldah effectively. Yet if Ala Mhigo is to move forward, we must needs acknowledge the misdeeds of the past. Godbert: The unusual circumstances of our meeting, and Your Graces choice of companion, would suggest to me a desire for an honest and unvarnished opinion. Lakshmi: Pitiful, misssguided children. Raubahn: Ala Mhigo stands at a crossroads, and this meeting will decide which path it takes. Shanti: Then we have an agreement. That monster and her thrice-damned Skulls dragged my man from our home and beat him to death in the street! Alphinaud: Indeed. (Fordola runs into a rough area. Did you think me oblivious to the anguish in your eyes when you spoke of returning to Uldah!? Nanamo Ul Namo: I fear it will be many years before I feel comfortable taking part in such negotiations. But this plan is not intended to benefit the displaced alone. Eventually, I left the city behind me, and joined a group of refugees bound for the other side of the Wall. Nanamo Ul Namo: The local citizens will need to be consulted, of course, but I trust the East Aldenard Trading Company can be relied upon to provide its assistance in negotiating a mutually beneficial arrangement. Pipin: You may be getting on in years, Father, but youd struggle to find a band of sellswords who wouldnt snap your hand offyourremaining hand. Middle-aged Highlander: In the palace? We must speak of the men Arenvald and his comrades apprehended in the Peaks. Arenvald: Wha I cant move! Lyse: You can say that again. Lolorito: Naturally, Your Grace. Lolorito: Yes, if a stable trade route can be established between Uldah and Ala Mhigo, then Ala Ghiri would once more become an important waypoint. Alphinaud: I believe sowhich would explain our prisoners present state. And not to mock you, either. Why would you want to become a soldier!? It makes me realize how much we rely on his authorityand how much I still have to learn. I take it you know of Theodorics paranoia and the public executions of his kinsmen? After all, we were adventurers before we were Scions, were we not? Raubahn: My thanks. But that time has passed. Fordola: Why are you two staying!? Arenvald: Ayeaye Everythings still attached. Well, Diana? Lyse: Then lets sit here, in a circle. If she cant help sensing their thoughts and seeing their past. Arenvald, pray try your luck in the Fringes and the Peaks whilst Diana makes the rounds in the Ala Mhigan Quarter. While the other town in the southern area wouldn't be a good idea, because it's just that: a town. Nanamo Ul Namo: Nay, the deception has served its purpose. (There are black body bags laid out everywhere along the edges of the room. We have a fortune at our disposal, after all, and allowing Uldah to provide the entirety of the capital will afford Lolorito too much control. (The scene shifts. Arenvald: So, you mean to play the part one last time, eh? Lyse: I cant. Wonderful. I shall be at your disposal. Ffxiv ala gannha ala ghiri or the saltery Ala Ghiri's primary export was Arak, however, the date trees needed to produce more arak are just now being replanted. Fordola: All rightFather, whats Lord Gaius like? It would seem I missedeverything. Nanamo Ul Namo: Our course is decided. Lyse: All right. (Outside the Quicksand, Nanamo is wearing her Lady Lilira disguise.). I don't remember at all, was that even a town? They could give the Echo to anyoneto an entire legion. Lyse: Well fought, Diana. Gods, its good to see you. A moment of it, anywayduring the fight. A fine young man, indeed. (The mob is shouting Traitors! A burly man picks up a large rock and hurls it. Arenvald: Im glad you asked, Lyse. In any event, I thank you for your honesty. Raubahn: Aye, let them keep their swords. I simply wished to have the loch in sight while I explained things. Arenvald: Oh, there is one other thing: when the times comes to draw up a plan for distributing the spoils, I would ask that you consult Alphinaud. The matter of Fordolas sentence cannot be suffered to disrupt proceedings. We shall soon put the lie to their claims. And then I had my blade. Pipin, take command of our forces and be ready for battle. But in Pipin you have forged a new sword, as sharp and deadly as the blade you bequeathed him. Dealt with those beasties then, did you? Under her new leadership, I have every confidence that Ala Mhigo will emerge from the shadow of the Empire and rise once more to greatness. Nanamo Ul Namo: What do you think of Lilira, the merchants daughter? Alphinaud: Ah. Lets be about it, eh? Lyse: We call it an army, but the Resistance is really a collection of smaller, independent groups. Even if my parents deaths were orchestrated by the Monetarists, we could only have brought their hirelings to justice. People will respond to passionbut not if its feigned. Weve been hard-pressed just to organize the research materials, let alone study them. And we will have people standing guard. Very well! Alphinaud: Precisely. Ala Ghiri Rebuild Lists Click here to see NPCs found at this location. Flame Scout: Message from General Aldynn! Nanamo Ul Namo: Words cannot well express what that man means to me. I share your thirst for justice. So it'll be a few years before they become a major exporter. Truth be told, it was a dark chapter in my life, and one Id sooner forget. Now, let us be on our way. You have made your point. From the way Fordola kept wincing, though, I get the feeling shes having them almost all the time. Dianayouve dealt with these Qalyana before. Lyse: Gods If theres as much as you say. (The assembled leaders stare at Fordola. But I would gaze upon Gyr Abanias stars one last time before I leave, (The Warrior of Light starts to leave Raubahn alone with his thoughts, but Nanamo appears at the doorway and approaches Raubahn. the Saltery changed everytime a new patch hit. Please, Your Grace, come back! My father was in the imperial army, a man of Garlean blood. Godbert: My apologies, Your Grace, I have kept you waiting! If the results of these experiments have been relayed back to Garlemald, there will be naught to stop the Empire from repeating the trick. You cannot compare yourself to a commander of his experience. O, woe betide the poor man in a city of rich merchants, (A woman walks up with two dango treats and holds one out to Gosetsu. Click here to see quests originating in this location. Pipin: Diana! As you may recall, Ysayle was completely transformed by a single glimpse of Hraesvelgrs past. Your choice. Hmph. The ssslayer has come. And what better way to spend it than by returning to our roots? And I think Lyse should be the first. ), Alphinaud: Expertly done. Hm Ordinarily, I would not trust any agent of the East Aldenard Trading Companybut if you hold this Hancock fellow in high esteem, I am content to be led by you. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Home; groupement de textes sur la ville; ffxiv ala gannha ala ghiri or the saltery; hadith chtiment enfer. With the Scions and the Alliance at their side, my countrymen have reclaimed what many thought lost forever. For the time being, were just going to have to keep leaning on General Aldynn and the Alliance for support, and see if we cant find a solution together. I hear the imperial province of Dalmasca has already risen up in rebellionWhich means the Garleans must surely have their hands full. Wish me luck! But I got the job done. Her Grace the sultana would have my opinion on how best to invest the wealth of Uldah? I trust you know what I mean when I say that my Ala Mhigan mother did not welcome my arrival? Well just have to watch and wait. A moment! Take no notice of him, Diana. We will take this as a lesson, and watch our own more carefully in future. Arenvald: Well keep our eyes open, thanks very much! Together, we have laid the groundwork for an endeavor which promises to benefit the peoples of Ala Mhigo and Uldah both. (Nanamo appears wearing a facemask like Loloritos). When they look to our example, will they see a people who held fast to their principles, or one who cast them aside when tried? I am impressed, Your Grace. Lets go and pay him a visit, shall we? If thisss is truly your wish, you will welcome usss as envoys of the Ananta! And when he knelt before me to receive the winners purse, he swore that he would one day offer me his blade in service. Despised it, in fact. Ill see you by the loch! Far better to dwell in dream. Thats a lot of bad memories to deal withHmmm I wonder Could there be some fundamental difference between one who is born with the Echo and one who has been artificially imbued with it? What did Nanamo Oh! I bear a share of the blame for Ilberds atrocities. My apologies again, miss! Shes wide-eyed and smiling.). Raubahn: Then we stand and fight together. You may repay my faith by journeying to distant Kugane and speaking with him on my behalf. No snoring, if you please. It seems to mean something like non-citizen or non-Garlean.). Ordinarily, Papashan would accompany me, but for this particular outing I need an advisornot a minder. Youre a fool, but youre not stupid. (Arenvald and Fordola pin Lakshmi in place.). Wed be no better than the imperials! They say hitting their shells like smacking a rock. A lot of the ambient dialogue has been updated with . Then I should be glad to tell you my theory on the resting place of the mad kings troveif you are minded to hear it? Let us make our way to the landing, and I will see that word is sent to the Gold Saucer. Thank you for lending an ear. Arenvald: Could this scribe fellow have been spinning her a yarn, do you think? Dianaare you perchance acquainted with any successful merchants? But I ask you, brothers and sisters, to think not only of the family and friends who were cut down before your very eyes, but to think also of the ones who were abductedthe ones who may yet live! Shes done terrible things, ayeunforgivable things Butin some ways, shes a victim of the circumstances in which she was born. I plan to have Resistance scouts keep track of the Qalyanas movements at all times. Kill her! Twould appear this place is yet inhabited by King Theodorics kinor what is left of them. Lyse: Shes starting to weaken! Without coins in our pockets for new attire, we are doomed to look like so much jetsam. Tell us, how do your people feel about the idea of a republic? Be fairly warned, friends: she will test you. What are your plans for the rest of the Resistance army, out of interest? She herself asked to be put to death. Raubahn once offered to re-open the investigation and bring me the truth he assumed I must surely crave. Wed only see His Royal Majesty when he deigned to attend the executions hed ordered. I hear the viceroy was merely wounded, and that he has already returned to the capital. I beg your pardon? Fordola: Shes building up to something big! Alphinaud: Whilst you are busy attending to the local fauna, I shall have Master Watt explain to me exactly what is required to restore the Saltery to its former glory. Unlike the others, the interiors been fitted with an array of sensors to measure aetheric wave forms. Nanamo Ul Namo: Profit The thought never even crossed my mind. Arenvald: Well, judging by how the other treasure hunters fared, nosing about the palace isnt like to get us anywhere, sowell probably need to, uhask around. Anyoneand I mean anyonesuspected of conspiring against the crown was flung from the top of those steps. Tattooed Troublemaker: We all know her crimes! Regardless, my intervention meant that Raubahn had but a single opponent to dispatchwhich he duly did. The Ala Mhigan Quarter Ala Mhigo is a city-state in Final Fantasy XIV located on the eastern corner of Aldenard in the region of Gyr Abania, along the salt lake of Loch Seid. Imperial Pilus Prior: Nay Lord Zenos lives? Nanamo Ul Namo: Your travels have taken you across the length and breadth of Gyr Abania, and you know the land far better than I.
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