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[85] found that protein levels were reduced in rat brains following microwave radiation, which may have been caused by the excessive consumption or a reduction of the synthesis of proteins, and reduced protein synthesis can be caused by the following processes: (1) excessive activation of RNA enzymes; (2) mRNA consumption or the formation and maturation of RNA enzymes. The authors therefore proposed that synaptic conduction disorders are associated with damage to cognitive functions. [97] found that long-term exposure to 900MHz radiation decreased the level of rno-miR107and that the whole body (rms) SAR value was 0.0369W/kg, bridging the gap in the interaction between radio frequency radiation (FR) and miRNAs. JAMA. Dasdag S, Akdag MZ, Erdal ME, Erdal N, Ay OI, Ay ME, et al. Furthermore, the expression of postsynaptic density 95 (PSD-95) in cultured neurons was decreased. Schz J, Waldemar G, Olsen JH, Johansen C. 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Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Brain Res. One study reported by the Interphone study group [13] showed that there was no increase in the risk of glioma or meningioma in users of mobile phones. Gold PE. 2 Researchers have been working. With the popularity of microwave technology, microwave effects on the human body have become a common topic of concern, and the central nervous system is recognized as a target organ system that is sensitive to microwave radiation. [58] exposed volunteers to microwaves at a frequency of 450MHz for 10 repeated intervals of 1min of irradiation and 1min off. 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[62] irradiated Wistar rats, hippocampal synaptosomes and differentiated PC12 cells using microwaves (average power density, 30mW/cm2) for 5min, and the results showed that the post-exposure spatial memory of the rats was significantly decreased, the post-exposure levels of phosphorylated synapsin I (p-synapsin I) and GABA were decreased in the rat and cell experiments, and the post-exposure levels of vesicular GABA transporter and p-synapsin I were increased in small clear synaptic vesicles (which were abnormally assembled in presynaptic terminals) in the rat experiments. 2017;326:291. Chronic exposure to GSM 1800-MHz microwaves reduces excitatory synaptic activity in cultured hippocampal neurons. Acetylcholine: cognitive and brain functions. Wang H, Peng R, Zhou H, Wang S, Gao Y, Wang L, et al. 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Whole-body exposure to 2.45 GHz electromagnetic fields does not alter 12-arm radial-maze with reduced access to spatial cues in rats. [72] found that 2.856GHz, 50mW/cm2 pulsed microwave radiation caused persistent spatial memory impairments, disordered neurotransmitters, and varying degrees of damage in the hippocampus and synapses. The hazard for human health from the electromagnetic radiations well be. Mobile phone use and risk of tumors: a meta-analysis. Behav Brain Res. 1992;49:1818. Qutob S, Chauhan V, Bellier P, Yauk C, Douglas G, Berndt L, et al. Electromagn Biol Med. SAR Value There are guidelines internationally for short term exposure to cell phone frequency microwaves, defined in terms of the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), the rate at which energy is absorbed by the human body when exposed to radio frequency radiation. Blood biochemical parameters of the radio-link station. 2015;56:2618. Chin J Radiol Med Prot. miRNAs are non-coding sequences with a length of approximately 22 nucleotides that have roles in cell development and differentiation and are also linked to signal transduction and tumorigenesis. [84] and Sharma et al. A significant increase in ROS levels and DNA fragmentation were observed only after the astrocytes were exposed to modulated EMF for 20min, perhaps as a result of hyperstimulation of glutamate receptors. The increase in M1 receptor gene expression along with the impairment of novel preferences in Wi-Fi-exposed animals may suggest a possible role of the cholinergic system in the detrimental effects of Wi-Fi radiation on multisensory integration [100]. CAS This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61571455). Kwon et al. Per the FDA, the microwave can heat human skin. Does MW radiation affect gene expression, apoptotic level, and cell cycle progression of human sh-sy5y neuroblastoma cells? Recent advances in the effects of microwave radiation on brains. In a report by the Poland Department of Microwave Safety, occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields was analyzed in the work environment of personnel of 204 devices divided into 5 groups (surface-to-air missile system radars, aircraft and helicopters, communication devices, surveillance and height finder radars, airport radars and radio navigation systems). Trends Cell Biol. Suhhova et al. Microwaves are widely used in households, industry, communications, and medical and military buildings, and they provide substantial contributions to the development of human society. CAS PubMed Central Chronic microwave exposures were executed with 2.45GHz of either modulated (power density, 0.029mW/cm2; specific absorption rate, 0.019W/kg with a sinusoidal modulation of 400Hz) or non-modulated continuous sinusoidal wave (power density, 0.033mW/cm2; specific absorption rate, 0.023W/kg) for 2h daily for 1month. Mitochondria morphologic changes and metabolic effects of rat hippocampus after microwave irradiation. [82] exposed animals to 900MHz microwave radiation for 2h/d for 10months and removed the brain tissues. [15] assessed the use of mobile and cordless phones in 347 cases of melanoma in the head and neck region and 1184 controls and found no increased risk. However, Li et al. Dasdag S, Balci K, Celik M, Batun S, Kaplan A, Bolaman Z, et al. Wang L, Li X, Peng R, Gao Y, Zhao L, Wang S, et al. In 43% of devices, military personnel are not exposed to an electromagnetic field. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Sci Total Environ. Zhi, WJ., Wang, LF. Reactive oxygen species act through p38 MAPK to limit the lifespan of hematopoietic stem cells. Bioelectromagnetics. Physiol Behav.
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