The three books of this Trilogy will give the specific details of what this group has done to help save humanity. He does it slowly and subtitle. Vessels, to explain the importance and controversy surrounding this event. The Book of Mormon is based upon deception to my understanding, but I still accept it for the incredible work that it is. How to incorporate technology for the benefit of all, equally.. You say a great deal, you should expect a great deal. I have knowledge that can save this world from the destruction that appears imminent. Now the LDS people act the same toward Christophers work. Nobody wants to solve it, they just want to feel good making offerings when it only ensures those people will starve tomorrow. It becomes a choice at that point as to weather we repent or justify. You judge me as misguided, something your resent when a Religeous minded person says your are misguided for embracing a book you stated is not true. We may be equally loved by our Father, but he does not equally trust all of us with the same level of knowledge. What does it matter if the stories are true when they teach real lessons and were truly inspired? 34 O Lord, I have trusted in thee, Whereas Joseph Smith, Jr. was the Author and Proprietor of the 1830 Book of Mormon, I was the Author and Proprietor of the 2004 The Sealed Portion. Everything that I have testified to above has a religious connotaion to it. If Hitler thought he was doing what was right, truly, that would mean in a sense he was a righteous man. I know whats happened. I can only assume you think the same thing about the Bible. This is how I see it, not expecting you to believe it or anything. One of Nemelkas followers interrupted an LDS devotional attempting to deliver the Lost 116 Pages of the Book of Mormon to President Hinckley in 2005. If the great apostasy really did occur, how can you say adults knew any more what is right than little children? It is by losing our innocence and tasting the bitter of this world that makes us appreciate Gods plan. That we come together in peace and harmony and agree to disagree? There are no more illusions like translations and plates, etc. Up until I was 16 I never really questioned too much. Any other questions. If you like the idea of reincarnation, by all means, join him. Instead of overcoming and being friends after everything, the grudge popped up in its place. The Book of Mormon teaches, along with D&C, that we can be one with the Son as He is one with the Father. Arguing that Nemelkas book isnt true while the Book of Mormon is is like Arguing that The Hobbit isnt true while the Lord of the Rings is. It will all be taken care of for you and there are no consequences. It was removed for repairs but has since been replaced. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. Because they look around and they see what human beings are like. Its just a compilation of church doctrine, history, temple endowment, and some fantasy sci-fi writing. I called for my husband and asked if he had came buckets over me in the night, but he hadnt. She told me they were too emotional. A normal person does not say something like that, ask any professional psychologist. If the LDS church truly has a restored priesthood, these are indeed false priesthoods setup for the few who benefit from it, even if it means many go hungry and are never fed., The people of this world have ignored and discounted this groups message. Instead, we found a rich history of fascinating stories-- some harmless fun,some absurdly bizarre, and some seriously troubling. Theyre responsible. Why are we wasting time with it. Instead it is easier to teach that homeless people on the streets are meeting Gods wrath and that if they were righteous they would be flourishing in temporal blessings. Yet, there is nothing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the intent and desires of the Real Illuminati. Its not real truth. Christopher doesnt post the whole video himself because he simply doesnt care. The books of the MWAW show the fullness of the everlasting gospel more clearly than any work before or any work that will exist until the end of time. Germany felt they were attacked by an unfair peace agreement. And we could not enjoy this exchange. Sorry, that is not the case. How does it witness against a book you didnt even bother to read? Nemelka said her family has experienced a lot of emotions over the past year, including anger, fear and uncertainty. Leaving the church, really? The overall gist of the simple teachings of Jesus Christ culminates in helping a person be respectful, kind, compassionate, and humble towards others. I make it a habit to talk about everything a person has spoken about unless I see it is irrelevant or that responding goes nowhere. But in that society you would never feel any judgment at all. prophesied it would becomean ensign and standard to the world. It gives us a chance to have joys and success in this life as opposed to the suffering we cause ourselves when we fail to listen. Question for both of us. This verse states the precepts of men can be by the power of the Holy Ghost if they are correct! Its a free world. One night, after tossing and turning for hours, I got out of bed and went into the kitchen for a cup of tea. Oh my God!, Suddenly, I felt a presence in the room. Wonder what spirit he was listening to. The knowledge that I have has the power to help humans create peace among themselves, and learn things that will allow them to attain a perpetual state of human experience upon this earth. We may disagree as to exactly what he taught are meant, but good always rejects evil, and evil hates good. They will realize their error one day and will repent to accept Christ of course, they all will except a very very few. If there a god who is father of our spirits? A bitter spring can not bring forth sweet water. That interpretation, that can vary wildly, is what can make it dangerous. Christopher Nemelka had been granted custody in the couple's 1986 divorce in Utah. This is defying authority outside of your own personal revelation. You teach very much what he taught. Can you not see how strange that sounds to a person who beileves in and eternal god that has given us scripture as one of the guides in our lives? No measurement. I have not read Menelka declare in his writings, Jesus is the Christ and is the author of Salvation. Christopher doesnt need me. He teaches us to violate the law, Christ teaches us to follow it. This simple gospelthe fullness of the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christis fully revealed in the New Testament book of Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7 and reintroduced word for word in the, Had the early American Christians realized the importance of these simple and basic principles, and had they established their laws and government on these, the United States of America would have been what the. It is no different than the US going around bombing, assassinating, and causing mayhem worldwide so we can sit comfortable in the US and maintain a better lifestyle and safety at the expense of everyone else in the world. Leave that out, and we are each left to our own devices as to what truth is and how to apply it. Its not Lucifer that makes us feel guilty, its sin that makes us feel guilty. Given the choice between peace and life eternal, the people of Earth have been delivered. They are not of the arm of flesh. I too respect the viewpoint and belief systems of others. He claims Brigham Young lead the church astray, but Joseph Smith appeared to him in the Temple Brigham built. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons) was the result of the American people transfiguring, ignoring, corrupting, and misusing the, in order to become the wealthiest modern religion upon the earth. Whether or not a story is fictitious has nothing to do with the truths it teaches. It doesnt matter if you wanted to be the craziest person in the world. She devoured it over six weeks, in the process emptying two boxes of tissues and several red ballpoint pens as she wept and underlined page after page of scripture. Thats the problem with claiming scripture is false, it falsifies everything, including what you use to justify your position of being taught by the Holy Ghost. Instead they cover it up and reject a work that is based on the foundation of their WHOLE religion! I am curious. . If the Bible does not talk about reincarnation, why would you believe in it now? The Book of Mormon was the unsealed portion of a record that was reported to be a translation of certain plates with the appearance of gold. I am such a woman! The final phase of my role is to explain the Real Truth about the universe, this world, and the individual person. Even Christ himself said the greatest in the kingdom of heaven was to be like a little child. Cause that is whats gonna happen someday. You are somewhat behind in regard to the MWAW that published the Sealed Portion. to the hardness of their hearts and blindness of their minds unto their being brought down into captivity, and also into destruction, both temporally and spiritually; not the destruction of the soul, save it be the casting of it into that hell which hath no end (a new American scripture, the Book of Mormon, 1 Nephi 14). A reworked version of Solomon Spauldings Manuscript Found thanks to Sydney Rigdon. They pretend it doesnt exist. 3. There is no lesser glory, they are all equal but different. These same concepts were integrated into the ancient Roman Catholic Church and were responsible for saving the Eastern part of the Great Roman Empire. Thats why he and those who embrace his teaching dislike judgement. That all that is written is biased and prejudiced based on what they want the world to believe about Joseph Smith., In his speech, Nemelka explained that the Bible was invented by men, but that The Book of Mormon was erected by advanced human beings to counter the Bible. He claimed that God is nothing more than an advanced man and that it was an advanced human being that appeared to Joseph Smith when he was but a boy. And by doing so, I am not the Korihor that you believe I am. The Bible has been the cause of much war and misery since its inception. Joseph Smith wrote about the Celestial Kingdom as being the ultimate goal because that was what everyone wanted, they were obsessed with the idea of receiving the greatest when there was no greatest. Thank you very much , peace and blessings:). As an example, I see the story of Korihor to mean something different from most LDS. There isnt one piece of real truth in the Bible of the Book of Mormon. Quantity: 1 Add to Basket Condition: Good. All she has to do is read under Carston Shields post and theres a whole conversation over at least a week. Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, even a Marvelous Work and a Wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid. At the ti. Suddenly, I remembered the man in white and knew that God had sent Christopher Nemelka to help me. But the terrible fact is it is wielded by the arm of flesh and nobody is willing to lift a finger to save those who suffer. 35 Yea, I know that God will give This is important since each God wants a different experience from mortality than that of another. Korihor would tell me I am wicked and that you are wicked. It cant be found in any one organization on this earth any more than that of another. Your truth is a book you stated is NOT THE REAL TRUTH. You can claim what I say to be opinion but much of what you say is assumed and unverified. Theres an old spiritual saying: Do not stand at the foot of the bed of an ill person, for that location is reserved for Christopher Nemelka, and his new book The Lone and Dreary World, available wherever books are sold. Marilyns story reminds me of this, with her newly single guardian angel (Nemelkas wife and kids just dont get what being an angel is all about) dutifully injecting her with heroin and dilaudid. Again, I have lost all hope in the people of this world. You claim for yourself the right to discern the truth from untrue books, and decline the right for me discern truth from books I believe are divine. The often projected belief that men have tried mimicking scripture and always failing is actually false. Behold, my voice I put my name on my statements. Hes just as happy if we leave. Every human being is going to have the same experience that Joseph had back on April 6th of 1820. (LogOut/ if you feel that way and still remain a member., The people of this world have ignored and discounted this groups message. Chris is an atheist whose only defense for his fraudulent claims and multiple false identities is to save believers from their beliefs. I am sure you have met many people like this. Religion, politics, and ideologies that instruct others away from self causes the chief misery in this world. Everything that I have testified to above has a religious connotaion to it. (Isaiah 29:14). That was the last question you asked. Nothing that this church (or any of its factions or breakaway sects) teaches as the gospel of Christ is found in the Book of Mormon. They are mortal and they make mistakes. 1. Do I ignore the still small voice, deny the Holy Ghost, just so I can stay away from apostasy? Do you not know the answers, or just dont want to answer? I think you know what I believe. It NEVER gives an individual the right to tell someone else what is right and true unless requested by that individual. It seems like Real truth by Fire hasnt seen this video in which Nemelka admits to having written and NOT translated the so called sealed plates . These books would convince the sincere seeker of Real Truth about religion and how it destroys the human race, and what they have done through religion to save the human race. Soon he saw the error of his ways. The young woman I met the LDS Church through was the biggest hypocrite I have ever met. Ive read the Book of Mormon and the majority of Christophers writings. But if I were asked directly if I knew the Book of Mormon was true, I would answer yes if that individual expected me to answer that way as a confirmation of his testimony he deeply cares for or if I feel the Book of Mormon could do that person some good, assuming they wanted my advice on searching for truth. (NOTE: If youre interested in knowing how this work has affected the lives of other people, you can review the following testimonials at It is for the purpose of making you feel more comfortable. Amen. will not put my trust in the arm all men were on a equal grounds. That is why people attack each other, they feel justified. LostMormonism grew out of our noteskeeping track of all the weird and wacky things we learned about Mormon history. It would be unthinkable to me. My covenants are not what the church claims them to be. As soon as I figured out who she was behind her mask, I became enemy number one. Upon reading The Sealed Portion with a sincere heart and real intent, many faithful LDS/Mormon members realized the deception behind their churchs leaders and doctrines. :). that put bitter for sweet, and I am not exaggerating, I am publishing a book about being the transitional target of that young woman. If a man so chooses to set conflict among men, then he must be of the devil and not of God. I can give you a full explanation Ive already recently written on Youtube. Same with the other kingdoms. The angels may not use a physical opiate to comfort you, but they definitely will blanket you with their love., Nemelka says: I dont need my wife, my soon-to-be ex wife! There is no longer any hope for the people of this world. Authority gives men the excuse to use that power to abuse and subjugate those beneath them. Re: Christopher Marc Nemelka, erstwhile translator of the sealed portion . He would say we must follow him and leave others behind. The colorblind do not know colors because they cannot physically feel them. Not sure how you think a God of truth would need to use fiction to teach his truth. Power does not define importance as it does in this world when keeping in mind the perfect society held beyond the veil. It is the word of men. Theres no possible gain you could get from my current real legal name other than to root me out and find my bishop. New prophets are sent to back the previous ones and bring men to God not drive them from him. Since that time, I have slept peacefully every night and fully recovered from the cancer. I am comfortable with what I believe and am glad that you are as well. You are twisting what is good, putting it on its head, and saying it is evil in defense of a righteous God. He gave these teachings to the Jews and repeated them, word for word, to the ancient American people (according to the Book of Mormon). The God I know is a kind and loving God, and he forgives us for all our trespasses. It is all right if you think me misguided, I wouldnt expect anything less because of your LDS convictions and your way of looking at truth. The Father because I was conceived by the power of God, and the son because I dwell in the flesh. We know from their inaction they arent apostles with true authority from Christ. Judgement of the teaching you hear is your right. But that doesnt erase the need for a priesthood or to follow our leaders directions. It is true there are places in Christophers work that state we wont be held responsible for our actions, but that is because the purpose of mortality is to get things wrong (and to experience opposition) so we can appreciate a perfect existence and society when we become resurrected. I dont know. (NOTE: If youre interested in knowing how this work has affected the lives of other people, you can review the following testimonials at. True repentance is following Christ with all our hearts., All I can say is by their fruits ye shall know them. It was upon this rock (this gospel) that the American people were guaranteed perpetual salvation. He gave these teachings to the Jews and repeated them, word for word, to the ancient American people (according to the, Instead of establishing a new American religion on the teachings of the glorified and resurrected Jesus Christas presented in the, the early Americans formed a religion that had nothing to do with these simple teachings. Who do many of these doctrine(s) deny the purity of the Book of Mormon? In 1830, the Real Illuminati published a new American scripturethe Book of Mormon. Ancient writings are not the only way to discover truth. They find happiness in their own faith, but the rest of the world condemns them with America leading this mistrust as an excuse to fuel military aggression. The book "The Sealed Portion: The Final Testament of Jesus Christ" written by Christopher Nemelka in 2004 purports to be the sealed portion of the gold plates alluded to in the Book of Mormon. That is where we cease to be children and are responsible. DAILY BLOG Archives - Page 3 of 28 - Christopher Nemelka Skip to content Toggle Navigation Home Books Journal Videos Livestream Personal History Videos DAILY BLOG COFFEE WITH CHRISTOPHER Explaining how important the MWAW is to human existence COFFEE WITH CHRISTOPHER Explaining how important the MWAW is to human existence The Sealed Portion - The Final Testament of Jesus Christ Apr 6, 2005. by Christopher Marc Nemelka . The "Book of Lehi" fails even a cursory analysis when checked against what is known about Joseph Smith's translation of the same material Truth will always hold each of us accountable, False will always say that we are not accountable. To explain their intent and what motivated them to write a new American scripture and introduce it to early America, the Real Illuminati instructed me to write a seriesa Trilogyof books. Good chooses not to associate with evil, evil despises the presence of good. things, I would exhort you that ye I take my covenants seriously through Christ, not through the arm of flesh that administered my temple name. We cant judge each other, but God can and will. In fact many men have, but some truly are inspired and see no light of day in the church. 14K views 5 years ago Christopher Nemelka admits on tape that he wrote The Sealed Portion as part of a religious scam. Seller Rating: Contact seller Book Used - Softcover Condition: Good US$ 34.98 Convert currency Free shipping Within U.S.A. There is no church or organization beyond helping others to solve poverty. If I am to be responsible, it has to be based upon what I know is right instead of what someone else thinks or claims I should know to be right. The Mormon religious leaders do not follow the scriptures as the catholic church do not follow theirs. If we are truly to leave judgement to God, why all this Luciferian garbage about Gods judgement when the scriptures make it very plain that you arent allowed to do this? I have read the story of Korihor. You didnt answer my questions. Jessie appears to also be a follower of Chris Nemelka. Common sense of the spiritual and eternal variety should be able to overrule these basic instincts that give us the excuse to place ourselves, in importance, above that of another. The psychological professionals have all claimed that none of them has ever seen a psychopath overcome their disorder and turn into a better person. They were promised that no other nation would threaten or take away their freedom if the American people (who called themselves Christians) would establish their new nation, their constitution, and their government on the rock of the teachings of Jesus. I am not going to share any more information with the people of this world. It has nothing to do with lying. That is what Korihor said. This planet we call earth is filled with ignorance but that doesnt diminish my love and friendship towards them. (NOTE: If youre interested in knowing how this work has affected the lives of other people, you can review the following testimonials at. I see all of the criticism written on the internet concerning Joseph Smith and it only strengthens my faith in him. After The Sealed Portion was published in 2004, the corrupt LDS/Mormon Church discontinued teaching its members, and the world through its missionary efforts, that there was supposed to be a sealed, greater portion to their new American scripture. For me, that angel is Ronald Reagan. Why bother with the expectations of relationships?! "Nemelka is the anti-Christ of the LDS Church." "Why would you have one book to get it started (Book of Mormon), then one If we have no prophets to follow, which Christopher does not claim in any way, we only have ourselves to be responsible for our own actions. I think this is the most amazing book I have ever read. Already disillusioned with the church, he ventured into the Temple's upper room where the Twelve Apostles meet. He doesnt tell us to leave our churches and says its all good. If anyone one has any information concerning the original sealed portion please comment below it will be greatly appreciated, thanks . I agree the Book of Mormon was inspired, but real truth? True or not true, the stories in the Book of Mormon help you understand the principles of your church dont they? Joseph Smith was taught to not join any church. You must first Have Love, one for another, Forgive one another. They were promised that no other nation would threaten or take away their freedom, the American people (who called themselves Christians) would establish their new nation, their constitution, and their government on the rock of the teachings of Jesus. Should we fight against it and learn to control it, or should we blame Satan instead? He is great at masking his plan in Love to make it easier to accept. I was just expressing to the best of my ability what I believe. Perhaps I am not the Korihor you believe I am and that you have forgotten to look in the mirror, in self reflection, of what you have personally become. To those with whom I have shared this planet for the past 60 years, who have rejected me and the work in which I have been involved, I was chosen to be a True Messenger for the Real Illuminati. ) We cannot be trusted with that power. How fortunate Marilyn is to have seen, felt and been injected by her guardian angel! says Angstrom Troubadour, Ph.D. We all have personal angels by our side, watching over and caring for us. Does God require authority to act in his name? That is interesting.not exactly in line with the group's official peace and everything else policy, if he is a believer, imo. I know and can explain things that no other mortal has ever been able to explain. (NOTE: If youre interested in knowing how this work has affected the lives of other people, you can review the following testimonials at He has drawn people in with a very well written series of books that arent much more than expanded commentary on the BOM. They learned that humanity will not and cannot be saved unless all law and authority is based on the simple concepts taught in the. Or would you say I am the Korihor, the devil on this earth sent to sway the children of men to wickedness? It was upon this rock (this gospel) that the American people were guaranteed perpetual salvation. It looks as though he wrote a book of logically what he though the gospel was (worlds, mothers etc.) We dont judge and we love them instead. With the understanding that most men do not have the fullness of the everlasting gospel to guide them, most men will not be held accountable for their actions. Theyre not going to be talking about scriptures or anything else, because thats all invented by men., Instead, Nemelka says, these advanced human beings are going to teach us all how to be humane with each other, how to love each other, how to take care of each other. I would expect that in order to have a meaningful conversation with you, seeing what you had to say and finding flaw or truth is a good way to go about being reasonable and moving forward with the conversation. He doesnt want to be worshiped. We can spend hours delving into how responsible a person is for following his country or his church leaders. I do respect your belief that holy scripture contains real truth and that it is the ultimate prize in heavenly knowledge. He basically uses Bible/BoM language, every once in a while, reg english creeps in, so its inconsistent. Lucifer likes to slip that idea in gradually until we embrace it and blame others for our choices and actions. Even within the temple walls I was no closer to understanding it than anyone else. (I did read about 5 of those chapters). This uniqueness of each human spirit means that when others teach us, we lose our ability and power of self, the ability to follow our one and only true God, ourselves. 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