When I got him he weighed over 300 pounds on the hoof, as suspected. But at his shot, the deer jumped the stream and his arrow hit high. The buck turned broadside, and Hall grunted to stop the buck for a top-pin shot. Deer: Balancing Expectations for Small Properties, Get to Know Your Neighbors for Better Deer Herd Management, Big Buck Profile: Reid Crawford Kansas Buck, Choosing Correct Magnification for Rifle Scope, Big Buck Profile: Troy Metzger's East Illinois Giant. Which begs the question: Why arent more bird hunters using them? The first year was challenging, as they had to learn how deer used the property. Instead, they hunted elsewhere in hopes of allowing the deer to live another year. The buck was definitely dead. 10. The Boyett buck sits at . However, every year the buck would become much more random as the Delta rut came closer. Did I gut shoot him? This time everything came pouring out.. For several years, however, he gave up most of his duck season to lock horns with the world-class buck. Minutes ticked by, the sun started its visible ascent and Latimers thoughts turned back to the big target buck. I had just built a rifle but hadnt set the scope. Virginia Thats when the strap on the stick broke.. Any serious whitetail hunter knows that it's not often that we get a second chance on the buck of a lifetime, or even a first chance for that matter. Bowhunting is the primary management tool in this region. Did I hit him in the leg? He settled in for the afternoon sit and waited for deer movement. The buck dropped close by, but as Watson climbed down the tree to make a follow-up shot, the strap on one of his climbing sticks broke and he fell roughly 17 feet to the ground. Mississippi Sportsman Frequently Asked Questions, Mississippi Sportsman Big Buck Photo Contest. In 2011 the buck blossomed into a true shooter. At least I think there were six. Fortunately, when Hooper reached the spot where the deer had been standing, he spotted the body in nearby brush. Nick continued to watch several bucks harass does throughout the morning, but chose not to take a shot at them. Realtree is committed to providing an inclusive and accessible experience to everyone, including those with disabilities.2023 Jordan Outdoor Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved. It is my biggest to date. A little buck was chasing a doe.. I do know it was not the deer I killed. It was so thick that he couldnt see what made the sound, though. He was 28 yards, quartering away, when he stopped. Lefty fell right there. Copyright 1998 - 2023 Mississippi Sportsman, Inc. All rights reserved. My dads spirits never once faltered.. After the day Id hunt him, he would always show up the next afternoon. Right at last light, after several minutes of silence, a big buck eased out into a clearing 40 yards away. Later, Watson began hunting him two days after the archery season began. These are world-class numbers, and there's no doubt the animal fell to a most deserving bowhunter. The buck was as massive as he'd looked on camera, and the biggest Moreland had ever killed. It was heaven-sent to our family. He would have been the first person I told. Well, not so in this situation. He was bowhunting from the ground with some natural brush around him. I had no idea this county could even produce anything like that. I said, did you hear my shot? He said, yeah, what did you get? I said, Im not sure but its the biggest Ive ever seen here. Whitetail deer harvest in W.Va. grows by more than 12 percent in 2022. In this edition of "From The Stand," Pat Hogan explains the importance of being aware of proper clearance when using your bow or crossbow out in the field. The 200-yard shot hit its mark. He watched the buck working a licking branch from his tree, but again, didnt have a shot. The John and Gisele Fetterman Romance: A Ken Burns Documentary. I hit it four times, pointing in each direction once.. The day before I killed it, two of my brothers and I were hunting in the same area and they both killed two smaller bucks, you know, like about 100 inches. In the meantime, the Moreland brothers continued their own search. The rack gross scores 214 1/8 and nets 212 1/8. | The first time, the buck was chasing does and didnt come close enough for a shot. He found the matching sheds of the buck from the year before, and he played his cards just right during the multi-year pursuit. A week later, he'd make up for that lost opportunity. So was Lefty. However, the 10-pointer he got was the biggest buck hes ever seen on the property. He was hunting near a pond and a small field. Like many of his fellow Arkansans, Ryan is a deer and duck fanatic. The buck dropped close by, but as Watson climbed down the tree to make a follow-up shot, the strap on one of his climbing sticks broke and he fell roughly 17 feet to the ground. The footage confirmed that Moreland had made a great shot. His late grandfather started JJ Ranch in 1961, but passed in 2009, and its been worked by the family ever since. Now in private ownership and no longer a club, it was on that same property he took the 16-point. Later in the afternoon, he heard a thunderous crash in the clearcut. This big buck was killed in Randolph County, near Maynard, Arkansas during the Arkansas 2020/21 modern gun deer season. The DNR estimated 574,000 hunters spent 8.7 million days afield during the 2017 deer season, and harvested 376,000 deer for a nearly 50% success rate. The doe came by, and I knew he was fixing to come right past me.". Lefty was gone., Then, our family received news that rocked me to my core, Lee said. He arrowed a 5-year-old giant. "When we recovered the deer, his head was leaned on a sapling, propped up. "I could feel myself starting to sway. Amazingly, the doe blew past and hurriedly got on the upwind side of Ryan and stopped. We dont think it could have been this big buck.. This was one buck that didnt have ground shrinkage, but had ground growth, he said. He closed the remaining distance needed to get within range, dropped into a kneeling position and took the shot. In addition to being the top non-typical bow buck in Arkansas history, this giant was the state's biggest killed by any hunter, gun or bow, in 2013. The buck was running with another good deer, but a cold front on Oct. 16 split them up. He was a good-looking, 150-class 10-pointer. I settled the crosshairs where I needed to place the bullet and steadied the rifle. "This was one buck that didn't have ground shrinkage, but had ground growth," he said. Around 2:30, Hall heard some deer and spotted two does walking through the water. Luke Wilson of McComb was stunned when he and his brother walked up on the big buck Luke had shot minutes earlier in a big cutover on his deer lease in Pike County. In 2012, Ryan hunted this deer exclusively. Eastern Arkansas farm country is home to a growing number of record-book deer. With his head down, did I hit an antler? Stan Potts heads to Montana with his rifle in search of a Big Sky buck. My dad gave me news that he had terminal liver and pancreatic cancer. She came in and started eating, but he caught our wind, Reed said. In hindsight, Ryan is glad no one killed the big buck in 2011. Hooper realizes his good fortune, even if the story belies just how good a shot he usually is. Follow along to see exactly how. It hit true. The buck walked past him inside 20 yards. Chase Watson shot the biggest buck he's ever killed two weeks ago while hunting from a treestand on his family's farm in Arkansas. It was followed by 10 more does, and behind them was a huge whitetail buck that Murdaugh had never seen. These six states account for all 10 of the world's biggest archery-killed non typical whitetail deer: Illinois, Ohio, Iowa, and Kansas each have two, and Missouri and Nebraska each boast one. Many mallards were saved during his absence from the flooded timber. I was trying not to pass out. I sprayed some Tinks Doe in Heat Urine, more to check the wind direction that anything else, he said. . I saw a big-bodied deer with extremely wide antlers that day, too, but I thought it was just a 6-point. Lance Hill brought down this 4 -year-old whitetail much earlier than most hunters have a chance to go hunting. A native of Hattiesburg and graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi, Cleveland lives on Ross Barnett Reservoir near Jackson with his wife Pam. It was an overwhelming feeling. And on Thursday, Myers was found guilty of the . Much to his surprise, he turned, and there stood Lefty about 70 yards away. Ryan Sullivan was only 19 when, during the 2013 season, he arrowed an Arkansas buck of gigantic proportions. When the Washington Blade caught up with Gisele Barreto . County: Hunter: Date : 221 1/8: non: Washington: Richard Little: He was probably in the 140s.". It was very warm for November, extending upward of 70 degrees with a southeasterly wind. Nearly any hunter would be thrilled with a buck that size. On October 17, Watson got pictures of the buck from his cellular trail cam near the treestand. I enjoyed every day of the hunt, but being successful with this buck made it a hunt I will remember forever, Mullina said. I noticed on my iPad that it was 1:50 p.m., so I figured Id better keep my eyes peeled in case something came by.. Still, he was able to get to full draw, settled the pin on the giant buck and took the 20-yard shot. The spread was 16 5/8 inches, and the longest tines were the two G2s at 8 1/8 and 7 7/8 inches. I absolutely worked my tail off to get an opportunity at this buck. He said he knew hed hit the buck based on the deers reaction at the shot, but . Gordon Whittington talks with 13-year-old Troy Metzger about the 2016 hunt that landed the young man a monster non-typical buck on this edition of Big Buck Profile. In 2010 the buck was just an 8-point. Luke Wilson of McComb was stunned when he and his brother walked up on the big buck Luke had shot minutes earlier in a big cutover on his deer lease in Pike County. Over the next couple weeks, Watson followed him, moving from spot to spot, but he only caught glimpses on trail cameras. . The firearms seasons are only five days collectively. The buck took three steps and bounced back. I thought he was bigger than 190. Field Dressed Weight: 431-Lbs. Check out these 10 monster bucks that were taken throughout the country. His stand location was in a draw between two ridges that led to a destination ag field. The charges cover violations in October 2014 when Joe Franz was hunting "Palmer," a deer believed to be the biggest whitetail buck ever bagged on video. His father remembered some advice from Grandpa Hill (Jimmy) about hunting near water on rainy days. About 74,000 hunters participated in the state's 2017 spring turkey season, and killed 33,000 birds. Bobby Cleveland has covered sports in Mississippi for over 40 years. That anxiety would have been a lot worse had he known the full extent of the bucks antlers. Franz finally killed the deer on an Oct . When you see a photo of a young hunter with a world-class deer, it's tempting to wonder if he or she "lucked" into it, or if perhaps an older hunter did most of the scouting and strategizing. The giant non-typical sported a typical 1211 frame, but was scored as a non-typical because of an abundance of small kicker points. Check out these 10 monster bucks that were taken throughout the country. The rack's 21 6/8-inch inside spread certainly helps to show off its unique character. Still, he only had five or six trail camera photos, and didnt have much hope of seeing the deer. He was coming right towards me. In fact, going into 2013 he'd shot two net Boone & Crocketts: one a non-typical scoring over 200, the other a typical from public land.
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