Here's a list of foolproof excuses that are sure to get you out of any weekend plan. Jesus. Here are a few professional ways to deal with gossip at work! Is there any way you could volunteer to assist the people running the drill? The idea that active shooter training is effective at reducing deaths and injuries in the event of a real active shooter is not. I would call in sick. Believe us,this works every time. You're Sick 2. So feel free to call in sick. Below you'll find way to get out of a date, based on your situation. We cover a LOT of material in one day. You can only use this one if its raining there. There wont be people storming into the building. No. Because all you need to do is say these four words,and the magic will work. They are not going to find out; unless they know your father very well. Thats what you would be doing. Less than perfectly shiny styled hair is practically a sign of leprosy. The day she got back to the office, there was news of multiple mass shootings in the States and she was so unaffected. See you in hell. My boss and his wife were directly behind me! Some people either dont want any gun laws modified as they think that is the start of taking away all gun rights and also now there is such hatred for the political partyso their representatives vote against it. We shouldnt be expecting children to go thru this. There's easily 100+ people that will be at the conference. Written materials and a review of the buildings exits and safe(r) rooms is more than sufficient. Just send me the information I need to know and dont make me go through it all again. elizabeth baptist church pastor oliver. The training process can take awhile, so dont expect to be an expert overnight. No one is filling the hallways with smoke and heating door knobs during a fire drill. Read More 10 Reasons Why You Should Work From Home Today!Continue. Im a teacher and have been in charge of children during these drills. Heck, my dad worked in the Pentagon post 9/11, D.C. Sniper, and Virginia Tech and threat training was like an hour. Maybe you suggest lunch instead of drinks. And you know theyll treat it all as a big game because its all fake anyway. In the past 10 years, both employees and employers have recognized the importance of fostering a work-life balance. I asked her if she was scared of being involved in a shooting at any point during her trip and she turned to me and said every time I was in a space with more than 5 people I didnt know. Id feel the same way. A text like this will save you up from any long unnecessarydetails, especially if you cant come up with any other genuine sounding excuses at that moment. Guessing they will breakout into groups and tour the building to find safe places to hide or ways to block paths. Shortly after this, one of the fire stairwells smelled like dead rat. Its just telling the kids that if a lockdown gets announced, then we lock this door, hide here, be quiet, the door handle will get tried by the headteacher, and this is the announcement that its over. Michelle Rennex, Politics With flexible plans and countless amounts of premium content uploaded weekly, we had to mention Shutterstock. Its not that he cant understand. You say hes a nice guy, but Agreed. But its traumatizing for the kids to practice these drills, and honestly, if we just had some gun reforms, there would be literally no reason we should have to be subjected to this in the first place. A study by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation found that in 2015, approximately 25% of adults regularly played sports. How horrible. Call in sick is what I would do. There have been several studies that have shown that the methods used in many trainings end up causing PTSD and trauma. My 5th grader needs to start practicing scaling the tall fence. Last time, it was 7 AM and only about 10% of the tenants evacuated. This came up in the meeting: Run-Hide-Fight includes an active shooter inside the building targeting us, but what do we do for a shooter whos outside targeting someone else? Active shooter drills and lockdown drills are one of the few that my kids take seriously. It could be anxiety/PTSD or something else, regardless it puts them in a place to have the sick note for work if theres any pushback. I dont remember anyone ever failing a fire drill, but I definitely went home that day with the impression that wed failed this one. Things have been chaotic and I need a little time to recoop. For more information, please see our Look at my complete answer. Would you mind if I took you out for some drinks another time? This is especially true if you have school-aged children. When someone says, "We should get brunch this weekend" respond with "I love brunch!" This way you have successfully. Learn more about me here. Take the day off. We had one on site drill each year that was conducted by security. Sobe verysureof both of these conditionsotherwise you are going to end up in a more awkward situation. Not only does a well-designed drill help participants remember what to do in a real scenario, it gives you the opportunity to identify critical issues before an emergency. Thanks, Onward. I totally get the desensitisation though; Its a self-preservation measure. If they can do it, so can anyone else. Adults with postsecondary qualifications will earn significantly more than those with only high school education, so it is a recognized pathway to a more comfortable life with a stable income. Whether or not your weekend work is a regularly scheduled shift or some overtime thanks to work that was not completed during the week, asking for time off to attend an important family event is perfectly justifiable. Never had a garish, clashing lip color since I learned that trick years ago when I worked in department store cosmetics and was a model for make up/hair when my friends went through state boards for their cosmetology licenses. So a UTA 4 would be four drill periods. There is a huge possibility that they wont remember asking you later in the hustle of all the guests. This letter-writer already knows the most common-sense run-fight-hide advice. She has nothing to gain, and something to lose, by trying to play it by the book. Just another site. - Short answer, no. As for how to do it, realistically youve got four options: 1. During the week, you were full of hope and motivationfor the weekend ahead. I was very glad to not witness that or it would have left me in tears again. When you look back on yourself even 6 months from now, youll be glad you did. Its much, much better. This could potentially be another out for the OP. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'nevertherightword_com-large-billboard-2','ezslot_4',182,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-nevertherightword_com-large-billboard-2-0');report this adThis site does not constitute legal, mental, or medical health advice, please consult a competent licensed professional. If you have a valid reason, such as work or school, you can request an exception to miss a drill weekend. Building layouts is easy and fast, making it ideal to create mockups and wireframes, prototyping a design, and creating the website itself. This sometimes makes it extremely hard to complete college assignments by their due date. Cookie Notice Im sort of lucky, in a way, because the school I work at is a non-public school serving children with Autism and Intellectual Disability. Correct. That way, you have the documentation if you need to go to HR. In banks they often hold robbery simulations that range from a silent note passed to a teller to a full blown takeover with machine guns. Thats such a heartbreaking thing to hear and yet, I understand why shes thinking about it. Pretty sure I called in sick that day. Many generation Z are adopting the quiet quitting culture and it is not because they are lazy. Boost your business with the right images. Before you comment: Please be kind, stay on-topic, and follow the site's commenting rules. This means that you are no longer allowed to serve in the reserves and will have to leave immediately. I used to live in a country that had earthquake drills. So weird, right? The perfect, no commitment excuse. Its super stressful and also completely irrelevant- I work in retail, we dont even have doors that latch, let alone offices to hide in or barricade. YOLO, you thought. Your email address is only used to send you NTRW updates. We had a few students around our county die in drunk driving accidents that year, and I imagine it was very upsetting for the parents, but there was clearly NO understanding that these were our friends and peers and maybe making grieving teenagers sit through this wasnt as helpful as they wanted it to be? this one never gets old. All The Hidden Clues In Squid Game That Pointed To That Twist Ending Therefore, an entire weekend can add up to four unexcused absences. No one will ask an explanation for this one as we all know how severe it hits. Yet this person always wants the group to come up with brilliant ideas to keep people from having normal human accidents, such as twisting their ankle or getting a door slammed on their hand by some other careless person. Updated: Monday, March 20, 2017. We have emergency drills several times a year can be fire, tornado, bomb, or shooter; it seems to be active shooter more than half. Lavender Baj, Culture Im a designer-by-day whos fascinated by human psychology; youll find me learning about what makes others tick through all types of media and good old-fashioned conversation. Well I thought a good excuse would be to call in sick which I did. I do NOT want to LARP a shooting. As an Australian, I cannot fathom living life like this. Scripts & Templates for Lifes Uncomfortable Conversations. Seven hour long training/drill? Can I skip this seven-hour training? Hell yeah, why not. Ive found most team building exercises to be futile for their supposed purpose anyway. Ask for Forgiveness, Not Permission: The best way to be convincing when calling or emailing for a sick day is to TELL them you're ill and cannot come in, rather than asking if it's okay. theres nothing we can really do about it, We can, but we wont, because US Americans generally refuse to take responsibility. (Enough Benadryl cures the symptoms, so I could have been better by the evening), I chickened out. Ever. I asked for active shooter training at my current workplace because our current safety training is very spotty think staff not knowing the nearest exits or how to lock doors. Im gobsmacked. I mean, it had a helicopter so that the cops could bill the school board or the city for helicopter deployment. Often, the employees are the main reason why employees quiet quit their job. Bomb threats were a constant fact of life. Take care of yourself first and foremost. This happened in effing Silicon Valley with the VTA shooting just 2 years ago. Hey, would love to come tonight- would you mind picking me up? Youll get a free pass. My friend DID die. One of the most popular WordPress themes in the world. And Im autistic, so the alarms and strobes are hard on my nervous system. Call me paranoid, but I cant think of a bigger threat to security than announcing an all-day active shooter drill in advance. This individual lived through a civil war in their country of origin and understandably was not keen on the idea of triggering difficult memories in a professional setting. Didnt we have one round up/commenter who had a super-nosy boss who wanted to know all the details for calling out sick, and she called the boss as she was praying to the porcelain throne? Its just easier that way, unfortunately. But since you happen to be the person whorenegesquite frequently,havent you already used that one? Once I had to go down there to switch to a new bag of soda concentrate, which took a lot longer than usual. In a real event, it takes a long time for law enforcement to secure each room. then you can divert questions with details also to the oh no, im afraid its a private matter, they asked me to not divulge all the details, hey mom, would you like to have an emergency where you slip and fall and twist your ankle next tuesday. by It is usually best to work these issues out with the chain of command or have someone do it for you. If the host does not know about your dating life, you can easily go with this one. the vast majority of these trainings rely on terrorizing people and teaching absolutely nothing of practical value other than you sure might get shot at work! When watching the movie 8th Grade, the main character (and the rest of the school) was so nonchalant during the active shooter drill, I cried a little. Be prepared for unexpected expenses. This means there needs to be a fair balance between times where you work, rest, and do what makes you happy. To use this excuse, you need to make a story of how awful that. These drills are not helpful! He looked at me with a big grin on his face and said " I got sick,too! Otherwise, there is no harm in considering. All we can do is raise awareness, look out for safety hazards, and hold fire drills and practice our escape routes once in a while. While I was there no one was ever hurt, and no one brought a weapon onto the property (one person was once apprehended with a weapon in the parking lot by police while trying to come in), but the callousness of upper-management was galling. I would call in sick, but Id also plan on having a doctors note ready. I am not sure why the school wanted you to do this, but the drills are a regular thing for Emergency Services. Talk to your units First Sergeant or Commander if you believe you have a valid reason for being excused from an upcoming drill. OP, I am so sorry youre in this situation with insensitive unthinking people. (And imo no child should be doing in-depth active shooter training beyond heres the exit route, heres how to lock the door, but Im not a parent and I know this stuff is tough.). You got aninvitation to go for a hike on Sunday? I cant tell you the number of times roads and tube stops were closed off and wed mutter not another bloody bomb threat and turn around. Im sorry about your boss, OP. Doing what it takes to make these shootings stop happening. Now sit on the couch and sink into that feeling of freedom. Calm combines extracts from fascinating neurological research with wisdom from history's great thinkers and the real-life experiences of individuals across the globe. She realized after they should not have made those jokes where I could hear them (though I understand you sometimes need dark humor to deflect your own discomfort). You know what would be more effective than repeated active shooter drills that traumatize people and trigger trauma responses in survivors? I dont need to sit through seven hours of that garbageagain. That would put you on the other side of the experience, have no surprises, be exposed to the useful material, and feel in control of the day for yourself. Hes that cavalier about mass mayhem?? Im so sorry you are dealing with this. I would absolutely call in sick. He has to fly armed. Creative Market is the worlds marketplace for design. Now, were reminded at church that in the event of an active shooter, there are three options, in order of preference: 1) RUN! Three cups of black coffee and a gas station burrito will do the trick, too. The UK is having a heck of a lot of problems, and every so often we wonder if wed need to head back Stateside, but active shooter drills keep it crossed off the list. A book that finally understands introverts! Well, the car seemed like it was fixed so i drive to work and back the last couple days with no issues. Excused absences are just what they sound like - don't have to come in and won't count against you but you also can't make them up. Theres not much evidence that active shooter drills even work, and in some cases they can cause more harm than they prevent. As someone whos been in pretty much that exact situation, your 2-for-1 euthanasia comment made me CACKLE. Just type I got a call from my father in the morning today, and he is here in town for some work business. SEVEN HOURS? Unless a midterm or final is involved, college is not an excuse or missing drill. Im sorry you have personal experience with this. There are many good reasons why you might not want to work on the weekend. Some places would accept that and back off, others would, horribly, demand details. I wouldnt call in sick as I would let them know in advance Id be out. My high school did that as well. That said, carrying a concealed weapon is forbidden, and most cops only carry a taser unless theyre dealing with something like a hostage situation. There were public safety officers walking around with labels as the shooter, and they were shooting people, meaning they were telling them that they were shot. I work in a hospital system. Can you handle yourself under the pressure? Like what was really scary about the drill at the time was the impression that if it did happen, not only would we be dead, but worse than that it would be our own (collective) faults. Along with multiple growth options, free site transfers and domains, built-in Content Delivery Network integrations, WordPress support, AND human support we wouldn't go to anyone else. Basically a small org thought they were getting a powerpoint presentation and instead someone showed up with a real gun shooting blanks. No matter how frequent people use it,this one never gets old. So long that the lights went out. Im so sorry and I hope that things can change, because this is so cruel and unfair to OP, to the kids, to you, to everyone. ^^ this is the kind of thing you get when absolutely everybody involved in planning thinks this is a fun game to role-play like youre in an action movie. Welcome to teaching in America! Since the official communication didnt call it mandatory Im guessing its not deny PTO-level mandatory. It was 3 hours of my life! If you are in the National Guard or Reserves, you may be required to participate in drill weekends. Dominic Perrottet Is Officially NSWs New Premier So Heres Everything You Need To Know Boo yeah! I already deal with the anxiety on a daily basis; I dont need someone pointing it out in a tasteless joke. SiteGround boasts a whole list of fantastic features at amazingly affordable prices. However, your commander then has it in his authority to deny you attendance of drills. Is there something about your workplace that makes this a particular concern? How do you say no to working on a weekend?. I had been there. Her eyelids dont SPARKLE today! OP, pick whichever option works for you, but I would think explaining yourself in a firm, unwavering way would not only be empowering to you, but also eye-opening to your boss. Make sure your office doesnt do retaliatory things like this. I remember going to a 4th of July party thrown by a combat veteran friend-of-a-friend. Professor at a college that had a mass shooting. So why not plan this up again someday?. Agree. If youre super close with them, theyll probably just laugh and say theyll catch you later. We should be marching and burning government buildings and performing citizens arrests of corrupt politicians and 1%ers over this. If you needed proof that these idiots have not clue, this is it. So not really a recommendation, and honestly I think the sick day route (or just a days vacation) has a lot going for it, but something to consider if you do want to have the discussion. A friend from high school was sentenced to life in prison for committing one of the first, and worst, workplace shootings in Massachusetts. That would be my guess too, but we cant know. A FULL DAY training is incredibly excessive and triggering, unless you think people dying is funny. Know both your annual drill schedule and your college course schedule. Its almost perfect. So it just doesnt arise as a thought in the way that, say, the possibility of sexual harassment or sexual violence is always part of my situational awareness. Read More 7 Common Types of Spam Emails and How to IdentifyContinue. Its been really hard to deal with for them and me as their mom who couldnt protect them from this happening. But really, call in sick. Youre exhausted from your week and want nothing more than to collapse on the couch and watch an unhealthy amount of Netflix. How are those guys SO obvious, and yet everyone still keeps believing them when they say theyre not Nazis? Its a big box store, just a series of giant open rooms! Apologize for not making it upto them,but you cant do anything about it? . Everytown has some great resources and statistics you could show your school about these trainings. Get the paperwork in place for legal accommodations. Many would not even know to run if we told them; they cannot comprehend the danger. What are you suggesting Americans do to combat gun violence and the wide availability of guns, other than voting and organizing? 3) Find a friend to talk to during drill. I am well into Gen X and we did an active shooter training and I hated every moment of it. Theyd just experienced one in their community. I am happy to review written materials, but I will not be participating in a simulation., Other language you could have on-hand to use if necessary: This isnt about mild discomfort. We were about 1hr 25 min away. Theres always That Guy who feels the need to comment. Forcing people to pretend theyd died???? Sometimes the messages are after the fact, to let us know that the school was on lockdown, but everything is ok now. One time my office decided to do an escape room as a team bonding exercise. I just told my boss I wasnt going. Im sorry you are going through this, OP. is not a good option even if traveling means going across two blocks. Its horrifying to me that newer humans get exposed to this from day one and that some people think this is fun and games. I would go with calling in sick the day of the drill. Find out more about Divi Cake here. I work in a clinic that serves LGBTQ+ patients and I live in a state that is very second amendment and extremely not LGBTQ+ friendly. Im a boomer and if I can understand I dont know what your bosss problem is. Im Amy, and Im the person behind Never the Right Word. Ive asked for a more specific agenda but Im not sure I will get one. Thats insane. I ended up going through orientation like four times, and in later ones I just stepped out of the room for that part. You can easily use this one if the host lives far away. He likely is superficially affable, but what you have related is not at all the speech of a nice person. The trainings have been optional. Im not sure I agree with Hes a nice person.. The builder is intuitive. My parent had been at FEMA for a minute & half before being sent to Katrina to provide IT support. I would be looking for another job immediately if my boss said that to me. Im 38 now and I still think about that day with anxiety and sadness. Its naturaland can happen to anyone. I still have really distinct memories of what I can only imagine was my elementary schools first-ever armed intruder drill after Virginia Tech. That is egregious and worth taking seriously imo. 10 Good Excuses for Not Working on Weekends 1. Nope. When he said the whole team was going and I needed to go to, I told him, I hoped they had a great time, but I would be at my desk that day and not participating. Yes, maybe some people had left for work already. If they wouldnt let you out of a fire drill, theyd be unlikely to let you out of this, and I dont know how things would shake out with saying you need to skip important safety drills as a reasonable accommodation. Culture Has your boss given you any information on who is putting on this training, what their credentials are, and what evidence they have that this exercise is in anyway effective, informative, or safe? The session before it was about what to have in your desk emergency kit in case of an earthquake. It doesnt matter whether youre needed to babysit your grandchildren, godchildren, or your best friends fur babies, lending a hand when its needed is a fundamental part of living in a caring society and being a good friend. When I voiced my concerns, he made a few jokes about how he would simply redirect the shooter to a younger person.. You should not have to traumatize yourself at work. You should probably go ahead and [Insert Activity] without me. They had to go door to door knocking to tell people to leave. Do you know what are the common types of spam email messages? Seven hours is unbelievable, but sounds more like a training event for the police than your workplace. It may help to know as a 5th option for opt out that the law enforcement facilitators will almost always offer the opportunity for individuals to opt out of simulation portions by self identifying at the very beginning of the training. With my tire being flat I've got no way of getting there unfortunately! Read More How to Write a Professional Email At Work (with Examples)Continue. I interned at a plant that had an annual disaster training day where they would pick one scenario and do a full day simulation + training on it. I didnt read through all of the comments, so perhaps this is addressed upthread. (That said, I worked at Planned Parenthood and we had bomb scares, which I know isnt the same but was pretty creepy until we realized it was the same wingnut calling in the threats from hundreds of miles away.). update: is my future manager a bigoted jerk? If you know a few months out, let your unit know and submit a RST. Please take a sick day, or do whatever else you need to do to take care of yourself. No, you cannot call out sick for drill. You only need 50 points for a Good Year. When I voiced my concerns, he made a few jokes about how he would simply redirect the shooter to a younger person, then asked if I was saying I wouldnt be able to take it.. If you do want to be up front about not being willing to do it, saying you have too much personal experience of gun violence is not disclosing anything about your own mental health, and its a blunt way of pointing out that its your circumstances that are different, not your resilience. Its extra depressing and pointless when the core training package for a UK-based company with US offices includes active shooter modules. However, keep in mind that your commander has the final say and may not approve your request. Happy Me time! I got good feedback later about the power of the word, so maybe try it. For some unknown reason, my school decided to get all the terrible feelings trainings done at once, so wed be subjected to trainings on school shootings, teenage suicide, and abuse and neglect issues all in a row. I have no polite words about your boss. If you get any pushback, then escalate it to whoever has authority. If you have a doctors note stating that you are too ill to participate in drill, this is a valid excuse. Pretty much this. You've only watched 16 videos of veterans coming home to their dogs and you promised yourself you'd break 30 tonight. It waits till the last minute to give Soldier's orders which makes employers upset as well as Soldier. Here are some valid excuses for missing drill: Its not as full on as what the OP saying, theres no law enforcement or reenactment. This article may contain affiliate links. And leaving them alone would be a big question mark to the whole face of humanity. The cop who did presented on active shooter protocols casually started discussing a mall shooting in another state part way through the training. and stick to your story. Ive never been through an active shooter drill. I choked up reading that and I have no kids and am not in the US. And sad no, more angry, I think that you had to go to such lengths to get excused from that training. In Quiet by author Susan Cain, the reader is shown how the brain chemistry of introverts and extroverts differs, and how society misunderstands and undervalues introverts.
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