Our world is in a complete mess, worse than any of us had any idea about. Also, please remember he has to be very clever in what he says. There have been small earthquakes reported all over the world. It is geoengineeringwatch.org.They get a slew of chemtrails in some places in the world. But before we point too many fingers towards the RCC, I believe many of us are going to be shocked when we learn what has been happening around the world in other churches! During that time he got himself involved in things that he is not proud of these days, but not a lot different to a lot of young fellows. This tunnel was built by the Knights Templar when the city was under the rule of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and served as a strategic passageway connecting the Templar palace to the port. He said: If the Templars had any secret treasure, it remains secret, but I see no special reason why they did have any. Im so glad we are on the other side and cant wait for the reveal. Hi Marilyn, No, it belongs to the entire world, plundered for thousands of years. I believe it explains your questions well. If that didnt work, to control you they also created a 700 acre city state inside the city of London, that controls all Central banks of the world, IF that wasnt enough to control you they also owned Washington DC also is a city state that had controlled the greatest military power on the Planet (Until Donald Trump was elected and is still the commander and Chief of the US military) all are owned by the Kasarian Mafia. People do grow up and mature. We live in a time where we need eyes in the back of our heads at all times. You copy the URL at the top of the page. Especially if everywhere else around the area is more orthodox. Hi Marilyn, No, you are correct. Thank you. We are in the middle of a potentially terrifying clash between good and evil but we know the end of the story God wins! It seems that God has allowed the ds to do a lot of damage to society and the world, but would he allow part of the Word to be kept from us hard to imagine but possible. Basilica of San Clemente. DAMN the RCC to HELL. I have bean reading about this stuff for 4-5 years now and nothing has changed, . Sure there is enough gold to back all the currencies, just raise the price of gold. Id love to know HOW they found covid in the air as they have not been able to isolate it interesting. "During the Crusades, the Knights Templar battle for God, gold, and glory. We are not to take as gospel anything we hear from anyone, myself included. The Underground Tunnel with Angled Entry Panels is great for children to adventure through. Mark Taylor told this prophecy on page 11 of 12 of Taylors 21 Prophecies. What If The New World Order Was the Beast of Revelations? Thank you so much talk soon Marilyn, Marilyn, I found Charlie Wards videos on Rumble.com and they are in date order. I dont know how this will be, or how quickly, or anything else . . Hi Patty! Thank you! It wouldnt be on the direct Vatican to Jerusalem route, but there are so many scattered here and there. If you go through some of his videos you just may find where he speaks about the gold specifically. It was ready for 2000, but no president ever wanted to enforce. MonkeyworksYou Tube. Ive actually removed that last update from my website as on just checking it I found the video was no longer working. No, of course, it wasnt. Live in what we have been given , and heed the warning in Revelation 22:18 21. I believe it is nearing. Please give me direct link. I also heard from She Knows on You Tube that Chemtrails would or are being stopped. The Australian military recently discovered over 300,000 tortured children in underground Melbourne tunnels and it was estimated that in the next couple of weeks, over a million children would be brought out of a network that circled beneath Australia. They will heal the mind. Well, you confirmed everything I said as soon as I learned of this earthquake last year. The work goes on! How did God put up with it? Anything that makes it easier is worth it. Anyone who knows basic math can tell you that there is no way there was a quantity of gold that equaled 60 metres high, by 120 metres wide Can you walk around the Vatican for free? Starting from Vatican City, for the first 150 miles, (241 kms) there was found a Clones my but hangings prove it arrests, prove it. Its mine I left it there, just forgot where I put it. They have blowing up tunnels and DUMBS around the world for years saving the tortured children. Thats my prayer. Hello Miss Adrienne! Your email address will not be published. As well as the tunnels, the team of archaeologists discovered the remnants. The unawoken still think the virus is still here, still wearing their masks and think the Ukraine is being attacked by the Russians which is in fact all the same country. I also do not believe in reincarnationI wont have a bar of it. I was created in the image of God, as we all were. We just need to buckle up our seat belts. They use MoR technology [Mind over Rock]. Has Donald Trump been chosen, I certainly voted for him? There are too many people relating their different stories, whether in the government or in the truth community. Often overlooked by the nearby Colosseum, San Clemente is a hidden gem that is definitely worth a visit. I do believe this year will be a real eye-opener one way and another so keep your ear to the ground and your faith in/on the Lord! . Once in Tomar, he was stopped by Gualdim Pais. Mothers were told their babies died and were buried in mass graves. It has taken a real search throughout scripture and to see with new eyes that has opened up the way for me. 'Secretum' in Latin does not mean 'secret' as some may suppose. MURDER, MURDER, MURDER for centuries is the Jesuits in the name of their POWER & CONTROL, Not Jesus Kingdom. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The good news is that you can easily visit the first underground level under St. Peter's Basilica - Vatican Grottoes. All we can do is have faith that God made sure the most important parts have remained intact. The actual direct flight distance is 1,432.90 miles (2,306.03 kms). Its the last part of a poem by Matthew Arnold called Dover Beach. Saturday, 4th March 2023See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. May be three militaries of nations that are in the Alliance have taken gold out of the Vatican underground vault. By the way, Great comments by Dennis Richardson! Interesting chaps, the Martians. But do try to rise above the misgivings and into faith for a beautiful future. What I have trouble with is believing the tremendous amount of stories coming out with this Great Awakening, i.e., White Hats/Black Hats, Clinton coup detes, NWO takeover, mass GITMO executions, doppelganger elites, 8,000,000 child abductions per year, adrenochrome consumption, NWO Takeover by the the greatest force of evil the world has ever known, Rothschild, Davos, Rockefeller, Vatican world control, presidential election theft, The Fall of the Cabal, The Greatest Precision Military Operation in World History, QAnon Military Intelligence, The Alliance Forces, 1500 mile tunnel filled with gold, NESARA / GESARA, etc.. You have to admit, these stories read like pulp fiction on steroids and are not fit for minors to read. You Need To Dwell Here. I have heard, but I really do not know if its true or not, that the old chemtrails have already been stopped. Now we go to the 5th demention and life happy everafter. Turn off your tv and do your own digging and research youll find out whos really b.s. The light has already won. Underneath the Vatican City lies the Vatican Necropolis, at depths ranging between 5-12 meters. Early on I figured it had to be a clean sweep done simultaneously, which appears couldnt have worked, or done in this manner. To lie before us like a land of dreams, Now using scripture to intrepret scripture if a long time was 3 1/2 yrs, who would think Johns shortly would be 2000 yrs later. Dan 12 says seal up the words of my prophesy, its going to be a long time, 3 1/2 YRS, a long time. He moved all his videos over to other places, such as Bit Tube, but they dont appear in order any more. The House of Lords that owned the British East India Company wanted to keep gargantuan profits from soil resources in India, China and North America in only their control. Please re-read Revelation, and you will find there are three separate books, of 7 chapters, all written to first century Christians who were being tormented and killed. Hello Roxanne! The expert went on to explain how the Templars secret underground tunnels were uncovered. I think some of these people are just gathering info from others and putting their spin on it, and trying to claim it. Local tour guide Aurelia Madeira explained in 2020: We know that where there were Templars, there were tunnels. Thank you for causing me to check on it. I am quite confident that one after another, all these things will be stopped which is great news dont you think? prior to the current day we are living in didnt really have the comprehension of what is being revealed to us all now. Thank you for being a strand of twine in that net which will bring a bountiful harvest to our Father in heaven. The ride will be rough as we move towards the end of this journey but once there, it will be glorious. They included arrests of pedophile perpetrators and destruction of the underground tunnels and bases through bombs that caused minor earthquakes. SO all you people who are sceptic, have no faith, faith in Jesus and HIS Father! Does this give a full picture of what the New World Order have been working at over a very long time? Turned into a park type place. Chick publications website. Very true and scary! This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The Vatican sponsored archaeological excavations (also known by their Italian name scavi) under Saint Peter's in the years 1940-1949 which revealed parts of a necropolis dating to Imperial times. Hi Dennis! literally. No-one has been left out of this Globalists tyranny. It is a level of evil people will soon be awakened to.. As in Blow the Trumpet in Zion, Sound the alarm in My Holy mountain. Joel 2: 1 Blow the Trumpet in Zion Sound the Alarm in My holy mountain. Some will tell of terrible things to come and how we must prepare because the D/eep S/tate are going to do this and that. Thank you Caroline! Under the Hyatt Regency, the Rev. Gene decode talked about it to and the books of the Bible that are missing. This is where the Papal Tombs are located and where you can see the publicly accessible version of St. Peter's Tomb, located under the altar and above the original tomb. Then right click and paste. The drills are called "Guardians of Velayat Sky . The cubic feet of Gold that was supposedly found under the vatican would have weighed 74 trillions pounds or 37 billion tons! God created everything that exists, so if the Annunaki are real like the series Ancient Aliens claims, God created them, as well. Assets will be transferred into other hands for legal ownership. Davos, UN for example. We are going into The Great Awakening. Someone tell me where I can get a PhD on line, please! One Talent (approx) in todays value is $1,176,050 so if this amount is multiplied by 666 Talents its close to 800M per year x by 40 years thats a mega hoard + he had gold and diamond & other precious metal mines in Africa, the Philipines, India and other countries. Ahh Denbo! Marilyn, I am not that optimist as you are. The actual direct flight distance is 1,432.90 miles (2,306.03 km). Housecleaning? The Secret Tunnel Under The Vatican The Vatican is the world's smallest state both by area and population, coming in at under only 110 acres with a population of 1000 people. What about your statement that covid was a distraction for the alliance to drain the swamp and raid the Vatican. DUMBS are filled with trafficked childrenall will be revealed. But I do hope you are right! Hi Roger, Hi David, There are tunnels all over the world. Will we ever know? crazy. Thank you for wanting to. The main tracks of the Ferrovia Vaticana, or Vatican Railway, are just 300 metres long and were built under the reign of Pope Pius XI. I do not know what Dane thinks about chemtrails not being dangerous anymore. We will be backed by gold soon, so it will be very important. they also owned and control every major mainstream media of the world to control the official narrative to scare billions of people of the world into taking their lethal injections for their depopulation agenda. One of the more intriguing is the Vatican Necropolis laying underneath Saint Peter's Basilica. It still boggles the mind to imagine how they could keep so much stored away, when just a little of it could relief so much suffering. Covid-19, CURRENT WORLD EVENTS, End of the Cabal, Rescuing the Children Honestly, if he would have condemned it, they would have humiliated him on msm. Not the web of lies created by satans spidermen fact checking us and telling us that we are incorrect for believing in truth and not believing the lies that they spin. Where are they? I truly believe from all sources that the White Hats are in complete control and what we are seeing now is more like a movie designed to wake up sleeping people. I heard Im Just Charlie say he got his degree on line. Such an exciting time we are living in!!! Thank you. But as the publics distrust for their secrecy increased, King Philip IV of France seized his opportunity to settle his own debts and destroy them. With two videos for me. Well she said so. and that is all that your ego will allow you to believe in. This is one of the main reasons a reset is currently taking place. He cannot say who and is under an NDA which prevents him from saying a whole lot more than he does. Unfortunately there will always be more. Thank you for your thoughts. The article alleges that Jeffery Epstein is alive and in military custody and sharing intel about more tunnels. "I raised six kids in this . If you think for one minute the government has not had us enslaved for decades, then you really are nuts!! The actual direct flight distance is 1,432.90 miles (2,306.03 km). What I see is exactly what your replies are, we are on the same page, the page of truth. In the 12th century, 1190, during the second Arab invasion, Almanzor conquered all the Portuguese territory until he reached Tomar. I have followed Dane Wiggingtons site for many years. However, as for all the Hebrew books, and the sacred Temple items are in the Vatican. Dig into your own research and see for yourself. The level of the Adriatic sea in the northern part (where I lived) has dropped by about 20 centimeters. It is more that we plant seeds in the hope it will cause people to start doing their own research. Thanks Marilyn for all your research and this reminds me of the scripture that says the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just. https://marilynjwilliams.com/australia-a-powerful-beacon-of-light-for-the-world/, https://wakeup-world.com/category/contributing-writers/dane-wigington/, https://marilynjwilliams.com/understand-revelations-current-events/, https://earthquaketrack.com/quakes/2020-05-01-11-01-39-utc-4-5-10, How they connect wicked secret underground cities, https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2v94c9, https://www.koin.com/mystery-wire/tunnels-secrets-include-military-uses-underground-networks/, https://fas.org/nuke/guide/usa/c3i/mt_weather.htm, https://rumble.com/search/video?q=Charlie%20Ward. We are in a war and they have to make careful warlike moves as you say they are already after him with everything theyve got. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. Frightened? But historian Daniel Jones previously debunked this myth during an interview on Dan Snows History Hit. Its been an exciting journey. We need to be able to see what is really taking place and not allow the enemy to confuse our minds. Yes, I received the first anthrax vax before departure, then the second one right before getting on the plane. Tell those facts to Catherine Austin Fitts, she probably will not believe it. This second tunnel started in Sydney and went in a web-like ring around Australia, with a big central line running toward Ayers Rock. Top 10 Things Possibly Hidden In The Vatican Secret Archives; I have added it into the post. So why is none of this information coming out yet ,? He recently found out the who some of them were got their address, phone number and the lot! 659 planes flown into Fort Knox. A general view shows people gathering by St. Peter's Basilica at St. Peter's square in The Vatican on February 28, 2021 to attend the Pope's weekly Angelus prayer from the window of the apostolic.
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