lady called me said I was referred to her?, scheduled an interview, Something told me to google what little information I had, found your blog! I went to the office the next day and talked to the rvp and told him what I knew..his wife was there and was furious. I called and told her straight unless u give me more info about the job I wont be doing the interview.she sounded upset and threw me a few crumbs more about this fake company BS stuff . It seemed to good to be true. This series focuses on good old road trips. Now, I really did enjoy speaking with the woman and we got along great, but the whole thing did sound more like a sales pitch than an interview. Even asking the guy flat-out wouldnt help, he was pretty slick and dodgy at answering direct, factual-type, questions. The company has been in business since the late 70s and has steadily grown throughout the years. Woooowww approached at Wal-Mart totally seemed fishey he took my number no name or business card not looking forward to this call at all how rude to take advantage of people and trick them into better job opportunities Im surprised his pick up line was to Google this company ha cause this is what I found!!! As the man sat looking around at the various posters and motivational items on the walls I felt that anxiety-induced tension again. Turning people away from God will eventually turn you away from Him and all his promises for you. Didnt alarm me as I never heard of Primerica. Brokerage Firm Regulated by FINRA (Atlanta district office) IA. No legitimate employer is secretive about the position before you come in for an interview. I immediately searched the company and came across this page. This Primerica Pyramid Scheme Review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. A customer commented to me that he was impressed by my way with patrons to our store. MLM, in contrast, is a scam based on the recruitment of people into an opportunity to recruit others its endless chain recruiting and thats a scam. Thanks everyone for your stories. Its a good thing Im not stupid and always look up companies before I contact them. Telling people they are lazy and that you are filing complaints, get real and get a grip.To the guy who posted the God, stuff, God also put greed as a deadly sin. PLEASE DONT GO. Thats exactly the tactic used by islamic groupds Aiming on young and vulnirable ! Oh my bad I guess money is a scam to you as well. So I looked up the address and found the name of the company. why are they still in business? And we are educated, if we werent, we wouldnt have had researched about primerica. He tried recruiting me so I took the interview mainly as a courtesy to him. It is generally legal, regardless of the fact that so many have no chance of turning a profit in MLM. She asked if I wanted change of career. When he called me I was busy and asked him if i could call him later. The wife was still skeptical of the entire thing but being a good wife she was supporting her husband. As cool as this possibility sounded, it just seemed way off, I had many red flags that popped up and wanted to inquire on them, one of which I did, but figured Id investigate a bit first. Trust me, there are plenty of people who dont mind asking friends and family to buy something their selling. What these agents wont tell you is that another bear market is looming ahead, along with the upcoming changes in Washington. So, if the concept of an MLM is to make money off of the effort of others, how is this different from a Real Estate Broker? My friend has her insurance with them. The guy who stated the *69 comment, yes that does call back the last call, so why tell someone that you are blocking a call and why are you calling back a number that you already talked too?!?!? I was told by a friend that if we met I would be informed about a great opportunity working from home. I then took a step back and thought, dissected the business model for my own benefit and thought what I would have to do to be successful at it (I over analyze everything from both sides). I am so tired of these scammers connecting with you and then giving you a sales pitch. I felt that it was a pyramid scheme, but was trying to support people in my community, especially after dealing with a traumatic loss of a family member, who didnt have a policy. Wheres the money? Table of Contents Pros: What I Liked A representative's schedule is flexible. Very happy with Merryl Lynch, thanks. I Googled the address and found out it was Primerica. SHe is paying double for the same thing. 4. This other guy was pleasant enough, introduced himself and politely shook my hand. Some guy came up to me at the grocery store today and without provocation introduced himself and told me he worked helping people through financial services and teaching people what they should have been taught in school. With a one-time fee of $99 and a monthly fee of $25, you can make more than your startup cost in less than a month. User Andromeda is obviously a recruiter that works for PRIMERICA. Its all a scam. Joke of a company, I hope it goes under. Primerica. She asked if I was interested in working with them, and I said yes. An office front is an office front, I thought. I asked him if this was optional and he said No, its REQUIRED. Thats where my suspicions got ever higher. Got invited to a "meeting" at their office. Hadnt I just provided 5 local contacts? I knew immediately this was a scam of some sort. Company name finally? Its a legit company, but its practices are garbage. Thats why they havent been charged. At that point, she became very persistent and it immediately became evident with the posts I read on this site. Reed Slatkin - $593 million. I did go to an interview with him his office was eerily empty, a dark, one-floor building that looked more like a conference center than an office space. If it is such a scam, why is it that people can actually make some extra money once they are trained? He asked me for my number so that he may call me later, I provided it, and then after he decided to instead just ask me to come see him tomorrow. He then scheduled me the day after, which after these comments I intend at missing again. Like I said, I own my own business and am looking for some sharp people to add to my team here. Joe get Sally a $800 annual premium, (depending on your team members rank)(entries are REPs 25%) Joe will earn 25% of 800 =200(ONLY ONE TIME,THIS ONE TIME), (PYRAMID TIME) the remaining flows up the tunnel 75% (depending my rank) REP 25%, $200. Nothing! I think the biggest tell tale sign that you are getting involved with an ethically questionable company if you have to ask who they work for or grill them on their business model. I've written about Primerica in the past, questioning whether Primerica is a pyramid scheme, and whether PFS is a scam. After the presentation, the young man asks me if I have investment services or life insurance. They want to interview me tomorrow at 1pm. At this point, his mouth is moving but I really dont care what is coming out of it. When I told him I am no longer interested he kept asking me why and then called me arrogant. He acted surprised that I had not. I received a call and was told someone left my name and number on his desk. I then started doing research and stumbled across tons and tons of negatives about Primerica. As for the Author she seems to have ulterior motives and a chip on her shoulder regarding the company. I feel deceived, and I feel like my classmate & her boyfriend are being deceived also. A very tan/slightly burnt, attractive young 20-something came in and spoke to the receptionist for a minute about her Florida trip and went to the back where I could now see more middle-schoolers, all dressed like they were ready to model for a Kohls back to school sale flyer. I told her the store and began to walk away until she stopped to ask me if I was currently employed. It is about the education of it all isnt it? Do I just block them and never contact them again? And also when he would say how much money people would make he would wait for me to respond and I just gave him a blank stare. He agreed, however, I had a bad feeling about him and the conversation we had had and decided not to call him back. The business of Primerica Reps is recruiting other reps. She sits me down and she gives me usual scripted mumbo jumbo how Primerica gets people out of dept through education, and how their life insurance policy covers families and how I can make $1500+ only working about 15 hours a month. The reality is their culture was disturbing and triggered a lot of anger in me. Question for you, of those that dont do Primerica, what do you do? Yes, education is important. If you didnt get the license or actually go on the field then you know nothing. The FIT bitch (thats me) who wrote this is far from broke, and makes a great living selling legitimate services to people who need them. Yesterday i was called by a man who said i was referred by my best-friend josh, who was his cousin. Down below is a tiny non-referent asterisk that tells us to check their claims against the DISCLAIMER portion of the book. The hairs on my neck stood up when she spoke like this, but I figured it couldnt hurt to hear about the position. Multi-level marketing. 4.praying primerica is what it is for good, help me with these to open up my next store FOR GOODfor all you i dont believe a business can be good and their only out for my money. NO, I was special and needed to join and they offered to pay my fee, the $99. Again thanks for the information. Should I in fact back out? If it was cost-neutral, why bother recruiting in the first place? And I was like a job description of what Ill be doing and how the company works. The fact is, it takes a good person to spread good, there are many jobs out there that are good with bad people running, working for them. Google what youd like but do you really think Google, a company who makes money by sponsors is more accurate than the companies that investigate for the NYSE? A lot of people on here say Good thing I found this website. She had once had an office in an actual storefront on a mixed commercial/residential street in the neighborhood, but now ran her business with no outside marker out of her husbands auto body shop. But believe me, when youre lacking in confidence any morsel thrown down from the masters table seems like a feast. 1. i dont get paid to recruit people, i COULD get a % of what they CAN make from what their clients get for premiums, EX. He contacted me about a week ago about a possible part time job opportunity working for him in a company that he said earns him more money than his full time job at the funeral home. Many thanks! Was hit up on LinkedIn and Im not looking for a job but still wanted to search out what crazy company was messaging me on LinkedIn again. Now I have my 2-15 and Im not going to waste that on just Primerica products. Now of course, I see several red flags in the situation. Do you even know why you exist? i have an intervew tomorrow too, but i decided not to go after reading, thank you. When something seems to good to be true, i have high doubts of it. He replied well how can i make you feel more comfortable about this opportunity? I said i would have to talk to my parents after all this was over to see what they think because all this seems weird. Im guessing he was catching on that i was too smart to be manipulated by all the financial opportunities. He then wanted to make be more comfortable by CALLING MY PARENTS and setting up a home visit to talk to them about all this. Were not talking about a rogue recruiter here and there. BBB Business Profiles are subject to change at any time. A lot of people here who are unapologetic in their refusal to show up to a meeting they said they would go to after doing research, coming down on agents about ethics. It all seemed a little odd since they are a financial company and nowhere in my background is there anything pertaining to finance. I replied BJs (actual restaurant thats very good). He said well if someone were to tell you i can supply you with all the equipment to cook, but you would have to build your own client tale it wouldnt do to well right off the bat right? i said agreed then he replied well thats what i can help you with. My father passed away in May. A lot of people like in this blog are used to trading their time for money, going from one job to another. I told him I work 3rd shift and that I can try. The company and product reputation aside, as a source of personal income they truly fall shortgenerously speaking. They provide various types of insurance, debt management, financial investment, and credit monitoring services. not something good to be involved in. I reluctantly agreed and was hired I went home that day and looked for primerica on the Internet and at how it is a scam. It doesnt state that many on the list never again achieved those sales levels. Anselm of Canterbury, this still goes on. It is a pyramid scheme in which 99% lose money. I would see this slightly desperate look in her husbands eyes every time he asked if I would be interested in joining. this is wrong! If the job interview is not actually for a job, and is instead for a recruitment scheme, then the person was lied to. Thank God for the info I found out on the inernet. So I just got out of a presentation not an interview. It is a horrible, horrible product for almost everyone, but that doesnt make it fraudulent. I love my job. Recruiters lie to get people to join, because if they told hte truth about the almost guaranteed failure, no one would ever sign up. What I am saying is that (a) the MLM structure is a legal scam that hurts the distributors/representatives, and (b) Primericas products generally cost more than other similar (or better) products sold through non-MLM companies. Isnt it a blatant cheating? He also deceived the new Primerica representative, telling her that he was helping her and teaching her how to recruit people into her downline, only to keep some of the recruits for himself. So I got a call from erin at primerica saying she got my resume off of cal jobs. At least this way, I can practice negotiating for a higher pay level, and interviewing in general. Am I applying for a job? She deflects quickly, This is the part when I get to know YOU. Instead my thoughts were screaming through my mind.. really, what was John doing in there?! Asking for comments. Tracy is that lonely little girl in high school who no one ever liked, and was never invited to parties, probably why she hates on MLMs so much, no one ever invited her. Below is a narrative of how this went down for one PFS representative. Those who participate have bought into the lie that they own their own business. This may be the part where it comes together to the point where people say they hire anyone. Told my interviewer I would call him back this week with a reply. At that point, I hung up and laughed. Primerica is a legitimate multi-level marketing company based in America. Had forgotten the details but Tracy Coenens information on many posts about the 99% failure rate of MLMs, despite Primericas legitimate products have me thinking. I sat and as soon as the presentation started I was NOT happy because it was clearly a come sell this stuff and get rich thing. I also knew what John would say if I asked him about that one. I thought why in the hell would a RVP of a business contact me, someone with no experience or info out there advocating I have any in such a business and/or roles, and on Facebook!? He gave me the address and I had the phone number now. I googled ahead of time, but only really to find the place, which, like everyone elses experience around here, was on the outskirts of town in a rented building. I am a single mother of two kids and I have only been getting one day off from work. Oh jeez.. he told them on the phone it was a quick 40-minute session. Again, the little lie bothered me. The company's main product is Term Life Insurance. I start to feel under-dressed in my khaki pants, short-sleeved button-down shirt and silk tie. He said he absolutely understood that and that his office was new and he had many openings. Theres constant turnover from people like me, so recruiting needs to continue indefinitely. Its not the money, but once I left and processed everything it seems they pressure you to sign up and recruit other people. I wasnt aware I had even received the job, so I just agreed and figured I could back out later. I still like her, she seems nice. I felt awesome, like he had seen the potential in ME to want to spend time teaching me. Pull out your phone. He then asked me to write down 25 people in my contact list over 18 and he would call them for me to see if they would buy insurance and give me part of the profit and get me started. I am saddened to see this website because the information given is totally inaccurate and people will listen to this guy instead of researching on the GOVERNMENT websites to see that Primerica is an amazing company! I looked him up a few months ago. For 5 years, Primerica has been paid automatically from my bank account. My guess, these snakes hack FB profiles and are now on the prowl for new gullible recruits, or this guy probably got hooked into the company and is now using his account to get recruits. I worked HARD at the business, I have had success in other businesses in my life but making money at Primerica is a joke. I am really glad I did my home work on this company and thank you to every one for the honest postings I will not be wasting my time with scams. Were looking for someone to hire and train as a investment advisor for expanding finance department. Im no stranger to mlm. This, by the way, was part of her voice message. I went to the orientation before with Primerica and discovered that it was a MLM. It was located on the northwest side of Chicago (also where the Primerica location is) in a building that was practically empty and only had a few rooms/offices one the 1st floor and a basement which is where we met and discussed this foolishness. Youre building a team of individuals to get them to the top, too. I find it odd that a company that hypes fancy cars, unlimited incomes, and financial independence has a sales force where 99% earned less (and way less) than $50k during any single BEST 12 months, BEFORE EXPENSES. The outdated nature of your claims constitutes libel until corrected. I had them waste my time once before and am no longer interested in doing it again. The rep asked my questions, saw I am a good person who likes helping people, and told about Primericas business of helping people. So with each sale, that is one less client to sell to, forever!!! I already work full time. The bottom line is that Primerica sells legitimate products and services (life insurance and investments), but sells them at inflated prices to generally unsophisticated consumers. If you really want to sell financial products, youre much better off doing so through a company that is not an MLM. Its not what you are told that is important, but rather what they arent telling you that really matters. He didnt think to clarify my concern so I cancelled the interview there and then. I got referred to Primerica by a fellow friend of mine. I graduated from college last month and primerica does prey on with people who are unemployed. She told me she would call later that night, but it was about 2 hours after the time she originally said. Then I felt a bit ashamed for thinking badly as I remember Johns words to me, that he would always act in my best interest as an expert in building a business. I was not familiar with them, so I went in for the so-called interview. The location seemed extremely sketchy too. I was not at all interested in becoming a sales person. One of those analysis of Primerica showed how that it is nothing more than a game where you dont really make any money, and its all about recruiting and selling over priced term life insurance. Today the husband called and said his wife said I had people skills and was very vague and I had to really ask what was the company after the asked me to come in for an interview.
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