Whenever the wearer is attacked, the enemy has to pass a reflex saving throw (DC 20) or suffer -10 penalty on damage rolls for 1 round. Unsure if this will come out as a club or not.). Option 2 +2, speed, whenever the wielder of this shortspear uses the cleave or vital strike feat, the next attack against the affected creature deals additional 3d6 sonic damage. While in this state you share an unbreakable bond, while under this effect all members get an additional attack of opportunity per round. Option 3 +3, whenever the wielder lands a hit, it scorches the enemy a bit. Once per day you can charge both weapons in your hands with this flame for 10 minutes. Option 2 +2, this weapon glows with an invisible flame. Has same description as the original relic item, no idea what it does if anything. All critical hits against this creature deal additional 3d6 piercing damage. Option 2 +4 physical perfection, whenever the wearer kills an enemy who had full health with a single hit, all enemies in a 30 feet radius become staggered for 1 round. A successful fortitude saving throw (DC 36) halves the damage. When the number of scorches reaches 3, they begin to glow, granting anyone a +2 bonus to attack against such creatures. Option 1 +3, whenever the wielder casts a breath of life spell on an ally, the chosen ally gets +2 bonus to AC, attack, and damage for 1 round. And a weird lack of great, long, and bastard swords. It also has to pass a fortitude saving throw (DC 19) or all bludgeoning damage it receives will be multiplied by 1.5 until the end of combat. The modified spell also becomes maximized as though using the maximize spell feat. Some of the act 3 relics can be obtained in act 2, but cannot be restored until act 3. Option 3 +2, whenever the wielder of this weapon is paralysed, staggered, stunned, petrified, or entangled, they suffer the weapons damage and immediately remove such an effect. You can simply drag & drop the archive to the box in UMM. Your email address will not be published. Option 1 Whenever you cast a grease spell, all creatures within the affected area must pass a reflex saving throw or suffer 5d6 acid damage. It is unusual to find so much cheer in a person with such a dark past. Option 1 Whenever the wielder of this ammuntion lands a first hit against a new enemy, the enemy must pass a will saving throw (DC 32) or suffer 2d4 ability damage to intelligence (doesnt affect creatures with intelligence lower than 3) and become confused for 3 rounds. Option 1 +2 enhancement bonus to constitution. Option 1 Whenever the wielder of this ammuntion lands a first hit against a new enemy, the enemy must pass a will saving throw (DC 32) or suffer 2d4 ability damage to intelligence (doesnt affect creatures with intelligence lower than 3) and become confused for 3 rounds. Quests can provide unique adventuring experience, as well as powerful gears and treasures. Instead it deals (1d6 + 1 per two caster levels) points of damage. Option 2 These glasses are made of very thick crystal. Multiple applications of this effect dont stack. This web also deals 1d6+3 bludgeoning damage each round. This is a guide to all of the restored relics in crusade mode, and what gear you can get from it. However, whenever the wearer lands a first hit in melee against a new enemy the target must pass a fortitude saving throw (DC 32) or be stunned and become vulnerable to sonic damage for 3 rounds. Option 1 +2, bleed, allows wielder to feel almost any heartbeat in a 15 feet area. This effect stacks up to 3 times and persists for 1d4 rounds. Bardiche/Heavy Pick (both options come with same enchantments) . When you are hit by an enemys attack of opportunity, they enemy must pass a reflex saving throw (DC 15) or suffer 2d6 acid damage. Whenever you use shield bash, the enemy has to pass a fortitude saving throw (DC 20) or become vulnerable to cold damage, taking 50% more damage than usual until the end of battle. Crusade Gained Items. Option 1 While wearing this belt a monk can spend 1 ki point to enshroud the targets heartand lungs in the fine veil of emerald. Option 1 These glasses allow their wearer to use the Maddening Gaze ability three times per day. Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Relics Copy of Sheet1 Soulshear Glaive,+3, Adamantine,+2 daily uses of lay on hands, fervor and channel energy. Option 2 You can cover yourself in an invisible corrupted fire. Option 2 All summon spells of 6th level and lower are maximized as though using the maximize spell feat. Option 3 +3, vicious, whenever the wielder of lands a hit on an enemy who doesnt wield a weapon, it must pass a fortitude saving throw (DC 21) or for one round its claws or other natural weapons are deformed, thus suffering -6 damage per attack with natural weapons. Option 1 +2, wielder does +1 bonus damage per dice rolledfor spells with cold descriptor. Option 1 The owner can activate this item once per day. Whenever this wearer is hit by a non-slashing weapon, they must pass a reflex saving throw (DC 20) or become staggered for the first attack in a round, as well as suffer -2 penalty to attack rolls for one round. Option 1 +2, wielder does +1 bonus damage per dice rolledfor spells with cold descriptor. Each round it tries to pass a will saving throw (DC 20) against the effect, if the save was successful the damage is halved. Option 1 +5, Vicious, whenever the wielder lands a consequent hit in a full-round attack, it deals additional damage equal to the number of hits multiplied by 3. Option 1 This shirt makes all the wearers fire spells deal additional 4d6 fire damage while making them suffer a -2 penalty to AC. When this effect ends, the first attack the wearer makes suffers -4 penalty to attack and damage roll, as well as caster level checks to overcome spell resistance (if needed). $28.99. Option 1 +2 enhancement bonus to constitution. Option 2 Whenever a druid wearing it casts a spell from their spellbook, they cast it as if they were one level higher. As a free action, you can lose HP equal to half your level to grant target creature a +2 bonus to attack rolls, and transform their damage type into force, for 1 round. If one of the party members falls unconscious, a giant spider is summoned to fight alongside you for 3 rounds. This bonus can stack up to +5. Option 1 This amulet makes the wearers voice stronger and allows it to maintain its power for longer periods of time. 6250gp,+3, Adamantine,On kill summon demon 1x per fight. It should be noted that some of the relics aren't rewarded properly currently, and have to be added via using toybox, and some items may not function correctly as the tooltip states they will. This is a guide to all of the restored relics in crusade mode, and what gear you can get from it. I will try to update this later. Inside, interact with the statue, which will make Kyado very nervous. Creatures who fail the saving throw against it become dazed for 2 rounds instead of 1 round. Option 3 You can activate this ring to create an almost transparent silver lining that connects all party members in a 30 feet area. Option 2 This rod grants you the ability to modify up to 6 spells per day so that the energy type of the damage they deal changes to unholy. You also get a +1 insight bonus to AC against outsider creatures. Option 2 You bound a part of your soul to the ring. Option 1 +2 enhancement bonus to constitution. Option 1 +2, wielder does +1 bonus damage per dice rolledfor spells with cold descriptor. All the wearers bardic performance and raging songs (if they have the corresponding class abilities) last for 10 more rounds per day. Whenever you or your party members attack using the rapid shot feat, they dont suffer a -2 penalty to attack but gain a +2 bonus to damage instead. If On A Winters Night, Four Travelers 100% Secret Achievements Guide, DELTARUNE How to Solve GIASFELFEBREHBER, After writing down the possibilities, i figured out the answer to the Blue Glyph puzzle at the Core Of The Riddle. Whenever this weapon confirms a critical hit against an outsider, the outsider has to pass a fortitude saving throw (DC 25) or suffer the plane distortion effect, for 1d4 rounds. Option 1 +2, Radiant, whenever you confirm a critical hit you absorb part of magical essence, dispelling one random spell up to 5th level on the target. Look for SarenraeLifeSourceScalemailItem & SarenraeObliteratingLightScalemailItem. Choosing this just levels you with the partially completed item, but the enchant option in crusade mode just shows up in red as if you dont have the item. In addition, all party members of the wearer gain a +3 insight bonus to all saving throws against confusion, insanity and domination spells. Wrath of the Righteous. For each adjacent ally of the affected target they suffer -1 penalty on saving throws and -2 penalty on damage rolls. All enemies in a 50 feet cone must pass a will saving throw (DC 32) or suffer 2d4 ability damage to intelligence (doesnt affect creatures with intelligence lower than 3) and become confused for 1d4 rounds. Option 1 Bugged. Option 1 +5, made of crystals and can be worn by a druid. All rights reserved. For instance, power word kill now will instantly kill all enemies with HP lower than 150 instead of 100. Queen's Gratitude. Opening Information :: Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition General Discussions Content posted in this community may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. Option 2 +2 enhancement bonus to strength. A successful saving throw negates the blindness and halves the damage. Temple of the Good Hunt walkthrough - Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous You'll find this temple slightly west of Drezen. It should be noted that some of the relics aren't rewarded properly currently, and have to be added via using toybox, and some items may not function correctly as the tooltip states they will. This is a great guide. Act 3 - First Retriever - Padded Armor/Shirt, Act 3 - Unholy Symbol of Rovagug - Handaxe/Battle Axe/Great Axe, Act 3 - Chillboar's Hide and Tusks - Shortspear/Spiked Light Shield, Act 3 - Phylactery of Stevanius - Ring/Scythe, Act 3 - Crest of the Fallen Knight - Belt/Chainmail/Shortsword, Act 3 - Faultless Daybreak - Heavy Flail/Light Shield/Scalemail, Act 3 - Stone of Ghostly Pathways - Circlet/Ring/Sai, Act 3 - Wicked Dope - Banded Armor/Quarterstaff, Act 3 - Branch of the Last Ash (Sakoris Map) - Bardiche/Heavy Pick, Act 3 - Attractive Impulse - Gloves/Light Crossbow/Metamagic Rod, Act 5 - Mask of the Facestealer - Belt/Mask, Act 5 - Burning Brand - Bardiche/Sling Staff/Trident, Act 5 - Remains of the Colourless One - Arrows/Breast Plate/Spectacles, Act 5 - Voice of the Cursed Bard - Lyre/Amulet, Zaori's Pin - Circlet - Option 2 is actually +6 charisma and WISDOM. Option 1 +3, whenever the wielder casts a breath of life spell on an ally, the chosen ally gets +2 bonus to AC, attack, and damage for 1 round. You'll find this temple slightly west of Drezen. If it lands a hit on an enemy wielding a weapon, the enemy should pass the same saving throw but suffer -2 penalty to attack for one round. While under this effect, the creature suffers 2d6 positive energy damage for 2 rounds. Creatures who fail the saving throw against it become dazed for 2 rounds instead of 1 round. Option 1 Whenever you cast a grease spell, all creatures within the affected area must pass a reflex saving throw or suffer 5d6 acid damage. This is a guide to all of the restored relics in crusade mode, and what gear you can get from it. Option 1 Bugged. Option 2 Whenever the wielder lands a melee touch attack, the enemy must pass a will saving throw (DC 20) or his heart and mind is consumed with agonizing lust, any critical hit against effected enemy drives him even crazier, paralyzing for one round. Whenever this weapon confirms a critical hit against an outsider, the outsider has to pass a fortitude saving throw (DC 25) or suffer the plane distortion effect, for 1d4 rounds. If the number of scorches reaches 5, the enemy starts bleeding and these scorches become tainted. A creature with ferocity remains conscious and can continue fighting even if its hit point total is below 0. If demon already summoned, heals for 1d8+5 and +1. This effect stacks up to 3 times and persists for 1d4 rounds. If you are hit, this bonus resets. By carefully nursing the Crusade effort, the army will bounce back strong and healthy. It's sometimes hard for me to connect relics I have created back to the original item on your list. Option 1 +5, made of crystals and can be worn by a druid. In addition, whenever the enemy who has been hit by the wearer at least once, takes fire damage from any soruce, it suffers a -3 penalty on all saves for 2 rounds. Option 1 +2, this shortspear absorbs water from the target on each hit. Option 1 +4, thundering, whenever the wielder lands a hit with this sai, they gain +1 bonus to damage rolls with this sai until the end of combat. Option 1 Whenever the wielder of this ammuntion lands a first hit against a new enemy, the enemy must pass a will saving throw (DC 32) or suffer 2d4 ability damage to intelligence (doesnt affect creatures with intelligence lower than 3) and become confused for 3 rounds. Option 2 Whenever the wielder of this ammuntion lands a hit, the enemy must pass a fortitude saving throw (DC 32) or be stunned and become vulnerable to sonic damage for 3 rounds. Option 1 Whenever this shield is under the affect of warpriests sacred shield, each time the wielder bashes using this shield, it deals 1d6 holy damage, an enemy must pass a will saving throw (DC 18) or will be marked. Option 1 Once per day, whenever your HP falls below 0, your HP is restored by twice your character level, and the ring summons 1d4+2 undead skeletal champions around you for 2 minutes. Posted on October 21, 2021 July 14, 2022 By saadtariq Character traits are abilities that are not tied to your character's race or class. Option 2 +6 enhancement bonus to charisma and intelligence. Option 1 +4, -2 to attack rolls and constitution, electricty resistance 30. If the bearer of this mark tries to attack the owner of the weapon, it must pass a will saving throw (DC 29) or suffer -3 penalty on attack rolls and -8 penalty on damage rolls for 2 rounds. Effects dont stack. Some quests are time-limited and some can only be completed with certain companions. As a free action, you can lose HP equal to half your level to grant target creature a +2 bonus to attack rolls, and transform their damage type into force, for 1 round. Head downstairs and interact with the sarcophagus. Option 2 Whenever you cast an ear piercing scream spell, the damage it deals is no longer limited to to 5d6. In addition, all wearers allies deal additional 3d6 fire damage on successful attacks with weapons for 1 round. Dragon or Giant subtype. 20 units per day. Required fields are marked *, Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute("id","a12acad173dbdb18ec855259cd8a535c");document.getElementById("f756645e86").setAttribute("id","comment"), All Restored Crusader Relics in Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous. I honestly can't think of a single good bastard sword in Wrath. You have total concealment against the outsider under this effect. Option 2 +2, this weapon glows with an invisible flame. Has same description as the original relic item, no idea what it does if anything. Whenever a creature hits them with a melee attack, that creature suffers 1d6 piercing damage. The enemy also suffers -2 penalty to all saving throws until the end of combat. Option 2 +3, +2 morale bonus to dexterity. Option 2 Whenever the enemy confirms a critical hit against the wielder of this shield every enemy in a 30 feet area must pass a fortitude saving throw (DC 20) or become blinded for 1d4 rounds and suffer 4d6 positve energy damage. If they suffer any electrical damage, the armor becomes infused with electricity: for the next round, the wearers attacks deal additional 1d12 electric damage, and the spells with the electric descriptor they cast become quickened, as though using the Quicken spell feat. Maddening Gaze: As a swift action, you can look in a certain direction. Great guide, thank you so much for bringing light to this fantastic game. $28.99. Its difficult to see through them thus the wearer suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls. The amulet also increases the DC of spells with sonic descriptor you cast by 2. Option 2 Whenever the wearer of this shirt kills an enemy with a fire spell, they gain immunity to ability score damage and their mental ability scores are increased by +6 for 3 rounds. Option 2 +2, this chainmail partially absorbs magic from chaotic or evil creatures. Option 2 If the companions of the wearer of this ring attack the same target as the wearer, they deal additional 1d6 points of precision damage with each successful melee attack. It would also make it easier to exchange one for the other using ToyBox if necessary. The affected creature suffers 1d4 unholy damage for each scorch. "Notes for the Storyteller" is a . Also has an option to disable au This bonus can stack up to +5. Whenever a creature hits them with a melee attack, that creature suffers 1d6 piercing damage. Whenever the wearer is attacked with a spell, the enemy must pass a Will saving throw (DC 19) or they become nauseated for one round. Option 2 +4, uses intelligence modifier as a damage bonus, you also use your intelligence bonus for attacks instead of strength (Not clear if both intelligence and strength both grant a damage bonus.). Option 2 +3, speed, whenever the wielder lands a hit with this sai on a summoned creature, it deals additional 1d12 piercing damage. (This one currently shows up as null when moused over in crusade mode.). Bugged. All critical hits against this creature deal additional 3d6 piercing damage. For instance, power word kill now will instantly kill all enemies with HP lower than 150 instead of 100. Act 3 - First Retriever - Padded Armor/Shirt. Option 1- +3, grants ferocity as per the universal monster rule. A creature with ferocity still dies when its hit point total reaches a negative amount equal to its constitution score. Option 2 Whenever the wearer of these gloves lands a sneak attack against an enemy, the enemy becomes vulnerable to fire for 1 round and suffers additional 2d6 fire damage. The wear also gains a +1 insight bonus to attack rolls against outsiders. Option 1 +3, extra 1d10 holy damage on critical hit, 2d10 is x3 multiplier, 3d10 if x4 multplier. Option 2 This rod grants you the ability to modify up to 6 spells per day so that the energy type of the damage they deal changes to unholy. The game starts off with players leading a crusading army against an army of fiends, eventually finding a wardstone. Bardiche/Sling Staff/Trident (Same effects across all three weapons) . While activated, all enemies in a 10 feet area around the owner must pass a will saving throw (DC 36) or suffer a -5 penalty on saving throws against mind-affecting spells, -2 penalty on saving throws against enchantment school spells, and become vulnerable to sonic damage for 5 rounds. Whenever the wearer is attacked, the enemy has to pass a reflex saving throw (DC 20) or suffer -10 penalty on damage rolls for 1 round. The enemy starts doubting that violence is the answer and thus will suffer -1d4 penalty on attack rolls for one round. If you think Ive missed a relic, or have extra information youd like me to add, then please let me know. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - The Last Sarkorians. Your email address will not be published. Under this effect, the creature starts to hear loud noises, suffering a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls and AC. Act 3 - First Retriever - Padded Armor/Shirt. Option 1 +6 enhancement bonus to charisma and intelligence. If the bearer of this mark tries to attack the owner of the weapon, it must pass a will saving throw (DC 29) or suffer -3 penalty on attack rolls and -8 penalty on damage rolls for 2 rounds. Unsure if this will come out as a club or not.). If you kill using this weapon, you become immune to all eyesight effects for 1d4 rounds. Option 3 +3, adamantite, your mount gets a +3 bonus on all saving throws and a +3 bonus to CMD. Inside, interact with the statue, which will make Kyado very nervous.. Option 2 You bound a part of your soul to the ring. Instead it deals (1d6 + 1 per two caster levels) points of damage. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). This effect lasts 1d3 rounds. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition.
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