However, fentanyl has also been manufactured illicitly, and its distribution is on the rise. Smoking during and after pregnancy also increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Kentucky ranks amongst the last in the nation in rates ofchildhood poverty. Indeed, few, if any, middle- or upper-class women who use drugs during pregnancy will ever experience a child abuse and neglect proceeding, let alone a termination of parental rightsthough drug use is common among people of all socioeconomic levels. Babies exposed to cocaine in the womb have a 25 percent increased chance of being born premature. This claim also disregards the seriousgapsin access to treatment for substance use disorders, especially for poor people, and the absence of a social safety net to even support struggling families in the first place. The report pays particular attention to the impact of the 'chemical endangerment' law in Alabama, the state that has carried out the most prosecutions against pregnant women; and Tennessee's 'fetal assault' law, which between 2014 and 2016 made it a crime to give birth to a child showing symptoms of drug exposure. Using illegal drugs while pregnant can cause many complications to the baby including brain damage, premature birth, low birth weight and even fetal death. This means that first-time offenders will be issued an infraction (like a speeding ticket) instead of jail, with a maximum fine of $150. State Responses to Substance Abuse Among Pregnant Women, Concerns Mount over Punitive Approaches to Substance Abuse Among Pregnant Women. The infant was born prematurely. The underlying legal question considered in the judicial decisions in these cases is whether, for the purpose of adjudicating the criminal charges, a fetus is a child. Medical and public health experts who are desirous of seeing a greater focus on treatment of substance-abusing pregnant women must stay particularly alert to legislative efforts to expand the legal definition of a child to include fetuses or to define prenatal substance use explicitly as a form of child abuse. Studieshave found that babies exposed to cocaine in utero are not at greater risk of maltreatment as young children than similarly situated babies. Mar 02, 2022. 19 states have either created or funded drug treatment programs specifically targeted to those who are pregnant, and 17 states and the District of Columbia provide pregnant people with priority access to state-funded drug treatment programs. Although pregnancy is an exciting time, there are stresses and risks that come with pregnancy and the postpartum period. To receive email updates about this page, enter your email address: We take your privacy seriously. One local news source investigated Poolaw's case in conjunction with 45 other pregnant women across the state charged with felony child abuse, neglect, or manslaughter in relation with substance use since 2017. This means that a woman who uses opiates during pregnancy may be prosecuted if her child shows any signs of harm (including neonatal withdrawal) related to the use of opiates. Neonatal exposure to some drugs during pregnancy can have harmful effects on development and may lead to acute adverse events, including neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) and infant mortality. We did not examine judicial decisions regarding women who have faced civil child abuse proceedings related to prenatal substance use. by Leticia Miranda, Vince Dixon and Cecilia Reyes An example of this reasoning was articulated by the majority in State v. Welch: All types of alcohol are equally harmful, including all wines and beer. This isaccomplished through a statewide OBHP contract withEmory University. At least two states, Arizona and Kentucky, have just made it easier to terminate the rights of mothers who use controlled substances while pregnant. Urine screening remains the most commonly used method despite the limited period during which drugs can be detected. The substances related to the charges included cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, marijuana, and prescription pills. 2007), State v. Hudson, 2007 Tenn. Crim. Learn about the Division of Reproductive Healths efforts to address opioid use disorder to improve maternal and infant health. M. thought she was doing the right thing. 488. first criminal charges brought against a woman for using drugs during pregnancy came in 1977 against Margaret Reyes. Healthy pregnancies are essential for the well-being of mothers, infants, families and communities. "Opioids are what we worry about most," he explained. 2005), Richards v. State, 2005 Tenn. Crim. Women charged with or convicted of crimes against their child or fetus related to substance use during pregnancy have won on appeal much more often than they have lost. Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) is itself a treatable and transient condition, anda growing body of literatureconfirms that one of the most effective treatments for NAS is keeping the newborn and mother together in a soothing environment while encouraging skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding. For each case, we recorded the charges, the substance abused, neonatal outcome, legal resolution of the case, and judicial reasoning. This claim disregards the fact that drug addiction is ahealth issuewith biological, behavioral, and genetic dimensions, and similar to other health conditions, itdoes not respond wellto artificially imposed treatment timelines or mandated treatment. How you know. They have 1 child together that was born prematurely due to her drug use. There are several limitations to this study. That said, there are a few things you should know about "drugs-while-pregnant" law across the U.S.: Most states have tried, at one point or another, to prosecute women for drug use during pregnancy. If you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant and cannot stop drinking, get help. In 2014, Tennessee became the first (and only) state to pass a law that criminalized drug use during pregnancy, after a district court judge added an additional six years to the prison sentence of a woman who had been involved in a methamphetamine manufacturing operation while pregnant. Hence, health care providers should select relatively safe drugs. App. Here is a survey of state laws. Drugs with evidence of fetal harm were widely used. Unfortunately, many women of childbearing age in the U.S. use some form of illegal drug. We also were unable to determine the race or economic status of the defendants and do not know if poor or minority women are overrepresented among the defendants. App.3d 214 (Cal. 2005), Kilmon v. State, 905 A.2d 306, 314 (Md. We identified 24 judicial opinions published between 1977 and 2015 in cases involving 29 women prosecuted in 19 states. Maternal Substance Abuse and Child Development Project | Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities For access to services and immediate crisis help, call the Georgia Crisis & Access Line (GCAL) at 1-800-715-4225, available 24/7. For example, pregnant women should drink less than 1 liter (about 3 cans) of diet soda per day. You should also speak to your GP, midwife or a drug support service if you're regularly taking prescribed medicines. State law prohibits a medical provider from releasing information about a pregnant individuals drug or alcohol test without the patients consent. Arizona now has one of the highest foster care placement rates in the nation. While medication assisted treatment (MAT) is covered under Arizonas newly expanded Medicaid programs, Arizonans still struggle withaccessto MAT treatment. We developed categories of relevant variables to code a priori. The overwhelming majority of parents prosecuted by the child welfare system are poor, and parents ofcolorare overrepresented. A mother taking illegal drugs during pregnancy increases her risk for anemia, blood and heart infections, skin infections, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases. Later in the pregnancy, these illicit drugs may cause. CPS immediately removed her newborn from her care, largely based on evidence of her opioid use. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funding, The Truth About Marijuana and the Criminal Legal System, Florida Cops Nearly Sent a Five-Year-Old to Jail, When It Comes to Reporting Deaths of Incarcerated People, Most States Break the Law, M. Forrest Behne, Craig Waleed, Meghan Peterson, and Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein, Gay And Trans Panic Is Still Being Used To Justify Anti-LGBTQ Attacks. The discourse about criminalization of substance use in pregnancy suggests that women are at serious risk of successful prosecution for illicit drug use during pregnancy.8,15 Based on our review of published judicial decisions, this does not appear to be the case in most jurisdictions. 10 states prohibit publicly funded drug treatment programs from discriminating against pregnant people. Opioids are a class of drugs used to manage pain, but also have serious risks, such as addiction. The legislators behind these laws are essentially creating a capital offense for women who give birth despite having used an illegal drug, said Erin Miles Cloud, a senior attorney at the Bronx Defenders Family Defense Practice, who has represented numerous parents facing termination of parental rights proceedings. At least in theory, legislatures could amend criminal laws to make clear that they intend them to apply to prenatal conduct that affects fetuses. Using cocaine or methamphetamine -- also called speed, Tina, crank, or ice -- increases the risk of miscarriage early in the pregnancy. Saving Lives, Protecting People,, prevent overdoses and substance use-related harms, Learn about the Division of Reproductive Healths efforts to address opioid use disorder to improve maternal and infant health, CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain, A Collaborative Approach to the Treatment of Pregnant Women with Opioid Use Disorders, Opioid Use and Opioid Use Disorder in Pregnancy, Clinical Guidance for Treating Pregnant and Parenting Women with Opioid Use Disorder and their infants, Final Report: Opioid Use, Misuse, and Overdose in Women, What We Can Do About Opioid Use Disorder in Pregnancy, SAMHSAs Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator, guidance from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, What You Need to Know About Marijuana Use and Pregnancy, The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research (2017), Prevalence and patterns of marijuana use among pregnant and nonpregnant women of reproductive age. Using these drugs during pregnancy may affect your baby's growth and puts you at higher risk of miscarriage, early labour, and placental abruption, where the placenta comes away from the wall of the womb . MSACD is committed to raising the awareness of thedevastating effects of alcohol and other substances whenused during pregnancy. Briefs from medical or public health organizations were submitted to the court in seven of the cases, all supporting the defendant's position. Learn more about e-cigarettes and pregnancy, pregnant women or women planning to have a baby, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, How to Manage Your Chronic Disease During a Disaster, Disaster Safety for Expecting and New Parents, Tools and Resources for Public Health Professionals, Safety Messages For Pregnant, Postpartum, and Breastfeeding People During Disasters, Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Program, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, Pregnancy-Related Deaths: Data from Maternal Mortality Review Committees in 36 US States, 20172019, Pregnancy-Related Deaths Among American Indian or Alaska Native Persons: Data from Maternal Mortality Review Committees in 36 US States, 20172019, Maternal Mortality Review Information Application, State Strategies for Preventing Pregnancy-Related Deaths, Infographic: Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Pregnancy-Related Deaths United States, 20072016, Addressing Opioid Use Disorder to Improve Maternal and Infant Health, Working with States, Federal Partners, and National Organizations, Infographic: The US Opioid Crisis & Maternal and Infant Health, National Network of Perinatal Quality Collaboratives, Perinatal Quality Collaboratives: Working Together to Improve Maternal Outcomes, CDC Contraceptive Guidance for Health Care Providers, eBook: Selected Recommendations for Contraceptive Use, Providing Quality Family Planning Services, Data and Statistics: Need for Contraceptive Services Among Women of Reproductive Age, Common Reproductive Health Concerns for Women, Monitoring and Evaluating Maternal and Child Health Programs, Infographic of Saving Mothers, Giving Life Approach, Infographic: Saving Mothers, Giving Life in Uganda, Infographic: Saving Mothers, Giving Life Path to Safe Motherhood, Monitoring and Evaluation to Document SMGLs Progress, Maternal and Reproductive Health in Tanzania Project, Improving Access to Quality Maternity Care to Reduce Maternal and Newborn Deaths, Monitoring and Evaluating to Document the Health Improvements, Strengthening Maternal and Newborn Health Surveillance Systems, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. NAS is a group of withdrawal symptoms that most commonly occurs in newborns after exposure to opioids during pregnancy.If you are pregnant and using opioid pain medications, CDC recommends you talk to your provider before starting or stopping any medications to help you understand all of the risks and make the safest choice for you and your pregnancy. The South Carolina Supreme Court held that a viable fetus is a "person" under the state's criminal child-endangerment statute and that "maternal acts endangering or likely to endanger the life, comfort, or health of a viable fetus" constitute criminal child abuse. Reyes was charged with two counts of felony child endangerment for her heroin use And in order to receive federal child abuse prevention funds, states must require health care providers to notify child protective services when the provider cares for an infant affected by illegal substance use. The mother was a drug addict. Hair has been recognized as a possible alternate test specimen, but wider acceptance of hair testing must await . Georgia drug possession laws treat the crime very seriously and a conviction for possession of even a small amount of an illegal drug can subject you to serious penalties. Also, some of the flavorings used in e-cigarettes may be harmful to a developing baby. How some hospitals are drug testing new mothers without consent, How Alabamas meth lab law is unfairly punishing pregnant women, Mothers: tell us about drug testing at your hospital. Kansas and Nebraska have no reporting or testing requirements, the survey says. Prescribed medicines. Further research is needed to better understand how marijuana may affect pregnant women and developing babies. A representative example of this due process reasoning was expressed by the court in State v. Martinez: To expand the ordinary meaning of this statute would deny Defendant reasonable notice that her actions were criminal, thereby violating her due process rights.39 Six courts held that allowing the contested statute to apply to prenatal drug use would in effect permit it to be applied to a range of prenatal conduct not previously considered illegal, in effect opening the floodgates to prosecution of pregnant women. Visitour state legislation trackerfor policy activity on all sexual and reproductive health topics. The federal Department of Health and Human Services recently released areportreviewing Kentuckys child welfare system. Many advocates I interviewed in the course of my own research on this subject described the surveillance of pregnancies and non-consensual drug testing performed on pregnant women and their newborns as comparable to stop-and-frisks for young men of color. Published on September, 30, 2015. These cookies may also be used for advertising purposes by these third parties. This evolution over time may reflect contemporaneous moral panic linked to the potential deleterious effects of particular substances on fetal outcomes.1. In 2005, the Tennessee Court of Appeals overturned convictions based on guilty pleas for aggravated child abuse for methamphetamine use during pregnancy in two cases combined as Richards v. State.37 The judicial reasoning was that the women received ineffective assistance of counsel, in that their attorneys should have argued that their conduct fell outside the scope of the law, which at that time was intended to apply only to conduct that affected children, not fetuses. Convictions were upheld only in Alabama and South Carolina, involving a total of four women. Drug abuse has a long and storied history in the United States, and we've been "at war" with it since 1971 under the Nixon administration. Clear evidence suggests that recognizing the substance exposed infant and . A neonatologist who was an expert witness for the defense testified that the cocaine derivatives present in the children's urine were from exchange between the womb and placenta during pregnancy and that only a tiny amount of cocaine derivative could have passed through the umbilical cord during the 30- to 60-second period after the child was born and before the umbilical cord was cut. Learn more at Alcohol Use in Pregnancy from the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders. This conclusion should not be a surprise, given that appellate decisions are based on interpretation of law, not facts. Those unable to pay may perform community service instead. These cookies perform functions like remembering presentation options or choices and, in some cases, delivery of web content that based on self-identified area of interests. Webster v. Reproductive Health services: the AMA position, Prosecuting pregnant women for drug use during pregnancy: the criminal justice system should step out and the affordable care act should step up, People v. Morabito, 580 N.Y.S.2d 843 (N.Y. City Ct. 1992), Reyes v. Superior Court, 75 Cal. Fetal or infant toxicology was reported in 24 of the pregnancies, and included positive findings for cocaine (n = 13), heroin (n = 1), and methamphetamine (n = 8) and one case wherein testing was negative for the relevant drug oxycodone, but the infant nonetheless displayed signs of withdrawal.31. Neonatal abstinence syndrome . Since 1973, authorities in at least 45 states have tried to prosecute women for exposing unborn children to drugs. The implication for medical experts is that advocacy efforts may be most useful when focused on state legislatures that are contemplating policies to reduce harms associated with prenatal substance abuse. 1991), People v. Hardy, 469 N.W.2d50 (Mich. Ct. App. Meanwhile, private insurance companies have found ways to circumvent Obamacare requirements on MAT coverage. Based on results of this analysis, the authors jointly finalized the coding scheme, which was then applied to all of the identified cases.
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