These penalties were sufficiently stringent. Emergency services, even in Tegucigalpa, generally are basic. One should confirm content prior to traveling from other reliable sources. drivers licenses, vehicle registration). 2.2. Individuals should also limit the sharing of personal information and closely screen personal employees. This team continued to operate during the pandemic despite restrictions on movement and inadequate funding for personal protective equipment. There is no information to suggest that criminals specifically target U.S. citizens or foreigners. U.S. citizens are encouraged to be vigilant of their surroundings at all times, especially when entering or exiting their homes, cars, garages, schools, and workplaces. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 2011 Global Study on Homicide, Honduras has the highest per capita homicide rate in the world, with 86 homicides for every 100,000 inhabitants. Review the State Departments webpage on security for travelers with disabilities. You travel at your own risk and no warranties or guarantees are provided by us. The CA-4 agreement among El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras allows for the inspection-free movement of citizens among these countries, reducing overall inspection at land crossings. The government convicted 14 traffickers, including 10 for sex trafficking, two for forced labor, and two for both sex trafficking and forced labor, compared with 34 traffickers convicted in 2019 (33 for sex trafficking/procuring commercial sex acts and one for forced labor) and 16 traffickers (including six for procuring commercial sex acts) convicted in 2018. During the pandemic, violence cases against women increased significantly; the number of emergency calls rose to 282 per day. Violence linked to land disputes also occurs, particularly in the Bay Islands and Bajo Aguan Valley in northern Honduras. InSight Crime's 2022 Homicide Round-Up covers more countries than ever before, with a major expansion into nations of the Caribbean. The juvenile penal system issued a sentence of six months house arrest for one convicted trafficker who was a child. Crime is widespread in Honduras and requires a high degree of caution by U.S. visitors and residents alike. Latest News Profile Criminal Actors Investigations News Latest News Assaults in these areas may be based on tips from sources at airport arrival areas, so visitors are strongly urged to exercise caution in discussing travel plans in public. Caption: Activist Massay Crisantho uses her influence and far-reaching platforms to advocate for the rights of women and girls in the country. The Honduran National Police wear blue uniforms, while the PMOP normally wear green camouflage. The government has established a special tourist police in the resort town of Tela and other tourist destinations including Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, La Ceiba, and Roatan, but the number of tourist police deployed is small and coverage is limited. The government conducted law enforcement operations targeting irregular migration and increased border enforcement, leading to 160 arrests for smuggling crimes that increased migrants vulnerability to trafficking. La Ceiba, Trujillo) and major hotels; other tourist installations have increased private and police security. We have provided a few examples below that you can copy and paste to your site: Your data export is now complete. The government adapted its training and awareness-raising activities targeting groups at high risk of trafficking and potential first responders to online platforms, reaching a broader geographic range of stakeholders. Honduras received support from the Millennium Challenge Corporation in the development of an e-procurement platform and public procurement auditing. Armed men have forced vehicles transporting tourists off the road and robbed the victims, occasionally assaulting the driver or passengers. While hurricane winds are a concern, much of the damage to infrastructure comes as a result of the ensuing flooding and rock/mudslides. Honduran law allowed foreign victims to receive temporary or permanent residency status, including authorization to work, though the government did not identify any foreign victims in 2020. Humanitarian Assistance: Since April 2021, USAID reached approximately 1.9 million people impacted by recurrent droughts, COVID-19, and severe damage from Hurricanes Eta and Iota in northern. Civil unrest in Tegucigalpa and other parts of Honduras remains a constant challenge. Earlier. When possible, travel in groups. There are an estimated 7,000-10,000 gang members in a country with an approximate population of ten million people. Traffickers exploit victims within their own homes or communities, including sometimes their own family members or friends. A review of crime statistics from the Honduran national police shows that violent crimes are more prevalent in the Departments of Francisco Morazn and Corts. This is a common practice for most automobile accidents where personal injury occurs, and for cases in which someone is accused of a criminal act. and the scope of organized crime in Honduras. Roatn and the Bay Islands are geographically separate from the mainland and experience lower crime rates even when compared with other Caribbean islands. Overall corruption helped facilitate trafficking crimes. However, kidnapping figures are likely lower than reality, as families of kidnapping victims often pay ransoms without reporting these crimes to police out of fear of retribution. There is often a spike in skimming in December and June, when the working population receive Christmas and mid-year bonuses in the form of one extra months salary. Institutionalize training for anti-trafficking police and prosecutorial units, judges, and CICESCTs immediate response team. The Mexico 2017 Crime and Safety Report for Mexico City by the US Department of State's Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) indicates that crimes such as armed robberies, kidnappings, car thefts, credit card fraud and residential theft are "daily concerns" (US 24 Feb. 2017). Airlines estimate that approximately 250,000 U.S. citizens flew into Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, or Roatn in 2019. The UNSDG guides, supports, tracks and oversees the coordination of development operations in 162 countries and territories. Political, Economic, Religious, and Ethnic Violence. As a result of Honduran government efforts in close cooperation with the United States, homicide rates have fallen from 86.0 per 100,000 residents in 2012 to 43.6 per 100,000 at the end of 2019. Two U.S. citizens reported incidents of rape or sexual assault between January and September 2013. Honduras sees 318 cases of femicide in 2021: Report At least 19 women murdered since beginning of 2022, says Honduras Center for Women's Studies Sinan Doan | 27.01.2022 Honduras has a high homicide rate, with a murder rate of 36 people per 100,000 in 2020. Major cities connect via an inconsistently maintained, two-lane system of paved roads, with many unpaved secondary roads. During 2019, multiple vehicles belonging to U.S. and Honduran employees of the U.S. Embassy were burglarized and/or vandalized on side streets around the Embassy compound. In accordance with the governments intersectoral protocol on victim protection, CICESCT coordinated with relevant government institutions and NGOs to provide additional services to victims, including mental health counseling, legal services, medical care, lodging, food, family reintegration, and repatriation. However, the government lacked formal procedures for identifying victims among children apprehended for gang-related criminal activity. Honduran regulations prohibited charging recruitment fees to workers, but the government did not report enforcement of these regulations in 2020. 4-Minute Listen Playlist Download Transcript NPR's Audie Cornish speaks with veteran journalist Carlos Dada, founder of El Faro newspaper, about his latest reporting from Honduras. In 2013, Honduras had the highest rate of violent deaths of women in the world. The government provided 31 victims with witness protection services including measures to protect their identity; shelter; and economic, medical and psychosocial assistance. Download the State Departments Crime Victims Assistance brochure. The government has a police investigative unit dedicated to investigating violent crimes against the LGBTI+ and other vulnerable communities, composed of Public Ministry prosecutors, members of ATIC (prosecutors investigative agency), and the Honduran National Police; however, it has limited resources and functions primarily in the major urban areas. Municipalities With Highest Number of Deaths Attributed to Traffic Accidents 200 150 100 179 177 50 61 52 39 0 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 24 23 23 22 21 19 16, January to December 2019, Secretariat of Security Honduran National Police Honduras 2020 OSAC Crime & Safety Report. Detained U.S. citizens should insist on speaking to U.S. Embassy representatives as soon as possible. DOS Trafficking in Persons Report - 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019. Reach the local police anywhere in Honduras by dialing 911. Mass protests and the government's heavy-handed response have damaged the economy and sparked deadly . The public transportation sector is a regular target of extortion, and experiences higher levels of homicide than many other sectors. The immediate response team provided 67 victims of trafficking and related crimes with assistance, including legal advice, immediate protection, and psychological services. Review OSACs report, Kidnapping: The Basics. Last update: October 2022. "Honduras: Death of Keyla Martnez demands prompt, exhaustive and impartial investigation", 9 February Counterfeit U.S. currency is also common. The government maintained prosecution efforts. 2022 estimated. In March 2019, the Honduran Government created the National Urban Transportation Security Force to combat extortion and other crimes perpetrated by gangs. Choose taxis carefully, and note the drivers name and license number. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. The government offered services to both forced labor and sex trafficking victims but identified a disproportionately low number of forced labor victims compared to the estimated prevalence of forced labor in the country. The government cooperated with the Governments of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Mexico to investigate trafficking cases and detain suspects. Most cruise line passengers experience no problems, but there have been reports of associated armed robbery and carjacking. honduras crime and safety report 2022. how to wear a sheath dress to a wedding; apple music not working on android; honduras crime and safety report 2022. figure 8 racing near me 2022; what does the god particle look like; It provided a family, a sense of belonging. Quarter of residents in Yangon's poorest areas often go without income, From Grief to Growth: Supporting a Woman Farmer in Lebanon, Reaching the last mile in Uganda: Decentralised Coordination for impact, Strengthening Resident Coordinator Leadership, Violence against women, the other pandemic impacting Honduras, United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras -- Honduras became the second country in Central America to declare a state of emergency to fight gang crimes like extortion. CountryReports 1997 - 2023 - All Rights Reserved. CICESCT sustained its efforts to provide immediate protection to victims and coordinate additional services among other stakeholders without interruption throughout the pandemic. Most crime victims are members of rival gangs, small business owners who resist gang extortion, passengers on public transportation, or those involved in land tenure disputes. Instruct the driver not to pick up other passengers, agree on the fare before you depart, and have small bills available for payment, as taxi drivers often do not make change. The U.S. Department of State has assessed Tegucigalpa as being a MEDIUM-threat location for political violence directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests. Gangs control some of the taxi services. The government identified fewer victims overall and investigated, prosecuted, and convicted fewer suspects. Congressional Research Service - Honduras - 2019, 2020. Caption: Honduras has the highest femicide rates in Latin America. The government places specially trained police forces in areas tourists frequent (e.g. Head of Police Gustavo Snchez 7 Feb said state of emergency, first imposed in Dec 2022 to tackle extortion, had reduced average number of homicides per day from nine in 2022 to seven so far in 2023. . The new amendments to the penal code lowered the penalties for trafficking crimes, resulting in penalties that were not commensurate with those prescribed for other grave crimes, such as rape. Honduras's prison population has doubled over the past decade, partly due to a 2013 reform that greatly expanded the use of mandatory pre-trial detention. Global AIDS Coordinator and Global Health Diplomacy, Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs, Special Representative for Syria Engagement, U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Office of the U.S. Fire Department operations: +504-2231-1667. Intentional homicides are estimates of unlawful homicides purposely inflicted as a result of domestic disputes, interpersonal violence, violent conflicts over land resources, intergang violence over turf or control, and predatory violence and killing by armed groups. During July 2019 alone, the cities of San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa recorded 11 attacks leaving 15 people dead, mostly taxi drivers and bus drivers. The Inescapable Prison of Barrio 18 in Honduras BARRIO 18 / 17 JAN 2023 To Desafio, the Barrio 18 gang in Honduras was everything. The government reported 41 calls to the CICESCT hotline led to 22 potential cases referred for investigation. Criminals and pickpockets target visitors as they enter and depart airports and hotels, so visitors should consider carrying their passports and valuables in a concealed pouch. Home. The U.S. Embassy estimates at least 30,000 U.S. citizens reside in Honduras. Honduras is far more deadly than even the most violent U.S. cities. Figures likely to be an underestimate, says Global Witness, as land defenders are killed by hitmen, crime groups and governments Published: 28 Sep 2022 More than 1,700 environmental activists . The violence is carried out by local drug trafficking groups, gangs, corrupt security forces and transnational criminal organizations mainly from Mexico and Colombia. Widespread poverty and unemployment, along with significant street gang and drug trafficking activity, have contributed to the extremely high crime rate. There are claims of widespread corruption in land sales, deed filing, and dispute resolution, including claims against attorneys, real estate companies, judges, and local officials. Officials flew Garza, a 48-year-old . Avoid traveling at night and always drive with doors locked and windows rolled up to deter potential robberies at traffic lights and on congested downtown streets. U.S. organizations and citizens report corruption in the public sector and the judiciary is a significant constraint to investment in Honduras. Counterfeit medicines are available in pulperas (private home-operated convenience stores), but have also been reported in Farmacias del Ahorro. Those traveling with tour/missionary groups report fewer criminal incidents. These crimes may have been the result of tips from sources surveilling the airport arrival area. U.S. citizens in Honduras on U.S. government orders are only allowed to visit the Basilica of Suyapa with an organized tour group that provides armed security for the group. Honduras crime rate & statistics for 2018 was 38.93, a 5.01% decline from 2017. U.S. citizens have been the victims of a wide range of crimes, including murder, kidnapping, rape, assault, and property crimes. The law on safe houses, which has been stalled in the National Congress since 2018, aims to recognize and fund safe houses to provide care for survivors of multiple forms of violence, ensuring. Always carry a mobile phone in case of emergency. Those planning travel to Gracias a Dios should consider postponing their travel. This resulted in multiple protests by environmentalist groups claiming the project is illegal due to the damage to the bioreserve and exacerbating the citys already dire water shortage. Organized criminal groups, including local and transnational gangs and narcotics traffickers, were significant perpetrators of violent crimes and committed acts of homicide, torture, kidnapping, extortion, human trafficking, intimidation, and other threats and violence directed against human rights defenders, judicial authorities, lawyers, Crime in Roatan, Honduras. The governments disaggregated victim data included some victims of related crimes such as child pornography; all identified victims were Honduran citizens and included 43 children and 24 adults, 56 females and 10 males, and one LGBTQI+ individual. Courts issued prison sentences ranging from three to 13 years for convicted adult traffickers and ordered some of them to pay monetary fines to the government. Although reports of kidnappings have dropped considerably in recent years, they continue to affect both the local and expatriate communities, with victims sometimes paying large ransoms for the prospect of release. Our message is that we shouldnt leave womens and feminist institutions that fight to eradicate violence against women alone [on their mission], said Ana Cruz of Asociacin Calidad de Vida, an anti-violence organization. According to InSight Crime, the crime rate has decreased by 26%, which is what the Honduran government is aiming to work on if they expect more visitors per year. Murders are easy to commit because most of Honduras' population is armed. Central Intelligence Agency - The World Factbook - Honduras. It is urgent to pass the law on safe houses where women who manage to get away from violent situations are taken care of. Responding police fired tear gas in and around the main terminal to regain control after protesters entered the building and airport grounds. Authorities identified five of the victims through calls to government hotlines, and 16 were identified in Mexico or Guatemala and repatriated to Honduras. 0. Kidnappings declined by 82% since 2013, from 92 in 2013 to 14 in 2018, and 12 in 2019. The following diseases are prevalent in Honduras: Chikungunya, Dengue Fever, Malaria, and Zika.
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